Back to Normalcy


My life has returned to normalcy today.

As my followers or readers of my posts might know, I was tested positive for Covid last weekend. It has been a week and when I did the test this morning, it came back negative. In fact, the "line" on the test kit had been become lighter gradually over the course of the week. Since the start and end of this episode took place during the weekends, I thought it might be interesting to do a mini sharing for this weekend and would skip the Weekend Engagement prompts for a week.

Some people in my country as well as friends around me have already caught Covid earlier this year (or even last year), so when they knew I caught it, there wasn't much surprise anymore as it was more like a "rite of passage", i.e. it's just a matter of time the variants will reach everyone. I guess it's always taking precautions on a best efforts basis and the rest is not within our control.

While it was both a physically and mentally tough period for me, I thought there were some positives too.

One, I surprised myself at how well I could self isolate in my room. Because I stayed with my family members, I had to minimise contact with them by staying in my room as much as possible. Armed with a laptop, a phone, and an internet connection (oh and a bed of course), life was pretty okay. I didn't feel suffocated at all. This probably shows how introverted I am, and also, how easily we can connect with others virtually by Whatsapp or other social media.

Two, I got a ton of sleep. For the past few months, life has been so busy for me and there's just so many things to do every single day. Apart from working, there's exercise and dinner in the evenings, and by the time I am done, it's usually around 2100h. And then there's catching up and writing posts on Hive, playing Splinterlands battles, and following up on what's happening in the world. Often, I ended up sleeping late and everytime I tried to tell myself to optimise my schedules, I just procrastinated. (Well, I did cut down on Splinterlands hehe!) In any case, because I was stuck in my room and feeling sick, I had a lot of sleep in the past week and I think it did my body good.

Three, I became more resilient. I think humans naturally emerge from challenging situations stronger and more resilient. I mean, of course we don't actively seek out adversities to "train" ourselves but it's always these tough times that make us grow. At least I think that way. As for my takeaway this time, it's really about believing that time heals. Even at times when I was feeling really sick, I knew that it was just temporary and as long as I took my medicine and got rested, things would get better. I guess it's the same with life as well.

So that's all for my mini sharing! Before I end, I would also like to express my heartfelt thanks to those who have been sending me those "speedy recovery" messages! Really appreciate them!

And now, it's time to head out to get some sun!


Hang in there friend.. we all get through at some point esp during this pandemic time.. just remember to boost your immune system tru double your vits, eat up and keep up the positive attitude. You are not alone on this, be brave that this too shall pass..

Maybe you can do something to wear out your isolation. Create a little project or something to tick time with.


Thanks for the encouragement! Appreciate it!


Jiayou bro!


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Dang bro, glad youre healing up. We gotta be strong. Its been too contagious to avoid, so we have to fight it with our body. Keep rockin man.



Thanks! Am feeling better now.
