Welcome Back 1K Hive Power Up!!! .:. June 1st HivePUD

F... it! I did it again! πŸ˜ƒ On January 1st, I said to myself that that would be my last 1K power-up after doing that consecutively from November 2021! That was a fantastic streak of 27 months of 1K HIVE power-ups! In February this year, I stayed out of "munition", and I have powered a smaller amount... After that, I slowly raised that amount, and last month it was 500 HIVE, so the logical next step was to go back to 1K, and here we are! πŸ˜ƒ

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I have to admit that there is no "secret agenda" behind this and I had no idea that I would do that amount this #HivePUD, but the truth is that I was buying HIVE on every dip with my HBD earnings and some H-E income! What I didn't expect (but it was expected) is that HIVE will turn into a stablecoin! I mean, not literally, but if you look at the HIVE price chart, you will see that we are hovering around those 30 cents from mid-April, and before that, we had more periods around the same price!

Call me impatient, but I can look at my HIVE doing nothing... πŸ˜ƒ I made some trades in the past, by keeping some buy and sell orders opened, but this accumulation period takes forever! πŸ˜‚ You know how it goes when you sell your tokens? Usually, they go up in price... πŸ˜‚ So. maybe my power-up will do that effect and HIVE finally move up a bit! πŸ˜ƒ

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I am aware that everything is buzzing around that we have an altcoin bull run in front of us and that locking up HIVE (powering up) isn't the wisest thing, but... All that CAN happen soon, or NOT... I'm not selling my HIVE, so everything is good! πŸ™‚ I know that many people are powering down because of these reasons, but I like to do the opposite...

In the end, I don't like to be that guy who is saying one thing and doing the opposite... I strongly believe that "having skin in the game" is one of the most important things that you have to do if you want to stay truthful to yourself and your beliefs...

I preach about the importance of HivePower whenever I have a chance to do so, trying to show by example how we should use it, and powering down would be lying to myself and cheating on myself and others...

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It feels so great to be able to power up 1K HIVE as in the old days!!!

This was my HivePower BEFORE the PowerUP:


Powering UP ALL liquid Hive as always:


And the final result is:


I reached 87K a few days ago, but I will not look at that number too much! With this 1K, 88K is already there!!! 100K here I come!!!

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Another good news is that I have managed to power up HIVE every single day in May, and I will get my #HivePUM badge soon! After not getting in last month, I was scared that I would become inconsistent with it, but luckily, that wasn't the case!


To get this badge, you should power up at least 1 HIVE every day of the month OR create a post every day with rewards set to 100% HP...

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So, what is #HivePUD?

Just a short introduction to HivePUD... What does it mean at all? #HivePUD is shortened for the Hive Power Up Day. It's an event when Hive members power up their liquid HIVE and stop any active PowerDown! It is organized by great fellow Hivians @streetstyle and @traciyork and is held every 1st day of a month.

Check out the official #HivePUD post for June here...

Thank you for your valuable time,


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πŸ‘‰ Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE πŸ‘ˆ

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLEO .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

2.59898941 BEE

Some people say that the bull season is very close, others say it will happen in 2025. I don't know which one we should believe, but for now I'm continuing to accumulate like you.

0.00062539 BEE

The truth is nobody knows when we will have a peak... All those are just guessing, which can we also do... For example, I think that we are still 10-12 months from the peak, which made me more confident in powering up my HIVE... If I miss it, well, that HIVE will help in accumulating more, and supporting other Hivians too! πŸ™‚

0.00000916 BEE

Welcome back mate, I have been doing the same, it’s nice to watch your stack grow

0.00062410 BEE

Woohooo! Nice power-up, mate! Keep growing!! 🍻

0E-8 BEE

Great minds think alike πŸ˜„ I also did a 1K Hive power up.

Would it be terrible if $HIVE stayed at $0.30 for a while? I don't think so. It would definitely give me the opportunity to pick up more. Although, I do think having 40% of our tokens on exchanges is a bit too high. For comparison, only 10% of Bitcoin is on exchanges. If there are more people like you and me BUYING $HIVE at sale prices, we'll eventually start buying at $0.31, $0.32... and so on. The price WILL go up when buy pressure from dolphins and orcas (hard-core, long-term hiveans) starts picking up.

And if someone, somewhere comes up with a business use case for HIVE, or if a payments processor partners chooses to process its transactions on HIVE just like PayPal did with Solana... then my friend, Hive will moon πŸš€

0.00058807 BEE

If there are more people like you and me BUYING $HIVE at sale prices, we'll eventually start buying at $0.31, $0.32... and so on. The price WILL go up when buy pressure from dolphins and orcas (hard-core, long-term hiveans) starts picking up.

It would be great to see more "equal" distribution of tokens on HIVE... Some of our whales are too big and they have other ways to take profits, and it's not by selling their HIVE... I like to joke that strong Orcas can be killer whales, as they are in real life... Let's not use strong words like "killer whales", but rather, strong Orcas to keep the balance in the HIVE ecosystem... πŸ™‚

0.00000804 BEE

Strong Orcas unite! I will be joining the orca rank soon and will be chanting this from the rooftops haha. Just give me a few more months. I have a post I've been meaning to finish about how, just like you mentioned, Orcas work together in the wild to protect each other and hunt. It's fascinating and I think Orcas need to work together on HIVE too. We can restore balance to the HIVE ecosystem by pushing back on whales with many medium-sized votes and also keeping our share of the reward pool staked.

0.00032695 BEE

Happy HPUD and nice powerup. I think your actions show your conviction. I have yet to powerdown and I don't have any plans to do so.

0.00062097 BEE

Thanks! There are other ways to take a profit, not just by powering down... I'm always more into systematic, stable, and slow accumulation, but also taking profits...

0.00000317 BEE

Exactly! It is true that Hive has become a stable coin. Nobody has pointed this out yet, but I think it is important. It could have big implications externally, which is not a bad thing at all. Well, at least it seems to me.
And of course, congratulations on the HPUD sum.
I'm moving more slowly. πŸ˜€

0.00061894 BEE

Agree 100% with you! People always want to see numbers go up, while with HIVE, I'm fine if we stay at this price... As long as we can get more HIVE doing useful things, we don't have to go up with price... ;)

0.00187046 BEE

That's sustainability (hope the word is correct)

0.00035285 BEE

Shame on me I missed June HPUD just on Friday I remembered about it. But on Saturday all time outdoors and missed...

0.00061612 BEE

It's not the end of the world... I'm powering up every day in small amounts and doing HivePUD just to be part of the "movement" and show by example... ;)

0E-8 BEE

Yes I know that planet won't stop but anyway discipline should be, especially considering that I became less active on hive since I changed my place of work.

0.00034051 BEE

You are an inspiration to me, so I want to see how you keep raising the level. 😁 Nah, do what you have to do according to what you consider best at all times. That's also wise. πŸ€—

0.00061718 BEE

Maybe we are on a similar journey, but we have separate paths to get to our goals... The same goes for #HivePUD, everyone does what it's on their mind, and wallets... :)

0E-8 BEE

I can’t wait to the HPUD, I stake immediately as much as I can. πŸ˜‚

I’m glad our journeys crossed. 😊

0.00033994 BEE

Congrats on the power up. That is an nice power up to really move the dial. It will feel pretty great to smash that 100k I'm sure. Fingers crossed we see a nice Hive pump, the alt season can't be to far away!

0.00061849 BEE

Thanks! We will see what happens with crypto and the most-expected altcoin bull run... I would like to hear more stories and fears that it will not come... That would give me more hope in it! πŸ˜ƒ

0.00002033 BEE

OMG 100k Hp on the way! I wish someday I could say that! I just don’t know how to get there xD but it’s great that you’re sticking to your preaching. I do believe that’s the right way also. Congrats for getting back on track!

0.00061824 BEE

Well, I still have a lot to get to those 100K, but I'm determined to get there... We will see if it will happen... and when... πŸ˜ƒ

I just don’t know how to get there xD

There are not too many secrets about it... Slowly build up your stake, take out if and when you need it, but continue with adding up to your stake... and you will get there... You are doing a great job with your posts and engaging with others... That's already 95% of the needed work... πŸ™‚

Thanks!!! Happy #HivePUD!

0E-8 BEE

Well locking at the moment we you've put it might not truly be the wisest, but also the curation reward till whenever the altcoin season is, is not easy to pass off on. Those potential rewardsl of Curation for months can head into thousands of Hive, so.
Congratulations, taking advantage of the internal market is a genius thing to do.

0.00061589 BEE

but also the curation reward till whenever the altcoin season is, is not easy to pass off on. Those potential rewardsl of Curation for months can head into thousands of Hive, so.

And if you add on top of that that it will help other people who I'm following and upvoting, that's enough for me! Plus, growing HP usually means growing the account followers and network too... ;)

0E-8 BEE

Congrats man! I guess given the stabilish bahavior of HIVE, I don't regret pursuing both my HBD challenge and adding more liquid HIVE in the perspective of a probable alt season at some point. Sure, if we have a strong alt season for HIVE, I might regret then my HBD challenge, lol.

0.00060139 BEE

Well, we never know when the altcoin bull run happen... But, I will not regret powering up for sure... My HivePower works for my curation rewards, and gives more power to people that I upvote... that's a win-win if you ask me... :)

0.00116867 BEE

It is, and I applied the same strategy during the previous cycle.

0.00033755 BEE

Wow!! Congrats on your 1k power-up! May your stake continue to grow, and may that long-awaited bull run come too lol

Happy HPUD!

0.00061632 BEE


Happy HivePUD!

0.00007118 BEE

I’ve not done very well this year in terms of HPUD and I will miss it again today. However I am going to have a go at buying some Hive with HBD to power up on a daily basis and to try and post something each day.

0.00053105 BEE

That sounds like a good plan! Everyone does according to their possibilities... That's fine... ;)

0.00000261 BEE

Happy Hive PUD @ph1102 πŸ’ͺ🐝

0.00053024 BEE

Thanks!!! My favorite day of the month! πŸ˜ƒ

0E-8 BEE

Wow! It is a great continuousness!

Congrats mate πŸ‘

0.00052923 BEE

Thanks! Appreciate the support!

0E-8 BEE

Wow, that's some serious power up and it shows that you have real skin in the game. And to tell you the truth, I believe that it will pay off in the long run.

0.00052948 BEE

And to tell you the truth, I believe that it will pay off in the long run.

Oh, many... I would like to see your words come true! πŸ˜ƒ

Thanks for checking out my post!

0E-8 BEE

Powered up 10 HP as well! It's so cheap these days hahaha!

0.00052278 BEE

Hehehehe... Congrats on your power up!

0.00838282 BEE

1k hive really impressive. I hope to get to that level soon.

Looking forward to when you get to 100k hp

0.00052864 BEE

Thanks! Just keep adding step by step... It is possible to do it... ;)

0E-8 BEE

I will do my best.

0.00017610 BEE

I believe in Hive like I believe on Bitcoin before. Can we adjust the HivePUD on the 2nd please? πŸ˜€

0.00052954 BEE

Every day is HivePUD! πŸ˜ƒ

The day isn't that important, but I like to do bigger powerups on this day just to motivate others and to do it together with other Hivians! πŸ™‚

0E-8 BEE

I want that badge lol

0.00026400 BEE

Nice PUM badge and Jumbo Bee badge πŸ‘.

0.00051453 BEE

Thanks! It's great to be able to do a 1K power-up like in the good "old days" πŸ˜‚ It wasn't that "old days", but it looks like forever to me.... hahahahah

0.01342207 BEE

Today I saw and read your post, an extraordinary achievement. A motivation for me, and with effort and enthusiasm, I will continue to try to move forward πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ❀

0.00052878 BEE

Make friends, have fun, help yourself and others, and stack some HivePower... πŸ˜ƒ

Thanks for your kind words!

0E-8 BEE

Hi PH my good friend, it’s real amazing how dedicated you are to powering up HIVE consistently. I'm so inspired by this and can't wait to make more progress. Reaching 100K will be such a milestone big brother . Keep pushing, and good luck with the altcoin season too

0.00044163 BEE

Doing as much as I can... will see what happens...

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Congratulations @ph1102! You received a personal badge!

https://images.hive.blog/70x70/https://hivebuzz.me/badges/pud.s5.png?202406020002You powered-up at least 1000 HP on Hive Power Up Day and got the biggest Power-Bee!
See you at the next Power Up day to see if you will repeat this feat.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

0.00026052 BEE

Congratulations @ph1102! You received a personal badge!

https://images.hive.blog/70x70/https://hivebuzz.me/badges/pum.pngYou raised your Hive Power every day of the month! Enjoy better curation reward and more to say in governance.
Participate in the next Power Up month to get another one!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

0.00026459 BEE

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.

0.00026571 BEE

Thanks for your curation, @bhattg! Appreciated!

0E-8 BEE

You should be called a Hive guru

0.00026517 BEE


0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@theringmaster(5/5) tipped @ph1102

0E-8 BEE