Upgrades Aren't Always Necessary .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 174


I was struggling with the title for this post, but you will get the point when you read the content... We are living in heavy-consumer times and we are brainwashed for so many things, sometimes with sense, but other times without any sense... For example, I remember the time when mobile phones were $100-$150, and those were "better ones"... In those times, I had a personal rule that I would not pay more than $50 for a phone! I was an IT guy, doing everything on my PC and it was logical to not spend money on a thing like a phone ( I was rather spending fortunes on CPUs, RAM, or a color inkjet printer when it was paid by gold... lol... 😂).

As time passed, I was raising my limits for a phone to $80, then $100, and I think that my latest phone was around $200... Which is nothing compared to phones over $1K, or more... But, maybe I did put some limits on the phone price, but I failed on another thing... I failed on my PC stuff... That's my kryptonite, where I'm not ready to make a compromise... 😃 As for security issues, I switched all my computers to Linux 20 years ago... Whenever I would buy a laptop, I would delete Windows on Day 1, and install Linux... Btw. I'm not an expert in Linux, and most things that I learned about it were on my own, and basic things that I have to know...

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As safety is one of my main concerns regarding my data, I have decided to update my Linux Mint today to the latest version... I'm not doing that very often because of potential issues with scripts and apps that I'm using, also, every upgrade has risks... Linux isn't like Windows regarding updates... If you don't update your system right away, the probability that you will be hacked the next day is insignificant... With Windows, I remember the time when some virus came out one day, and in 2 to 3 days, millions of systems around the globe were infected!

Anyway, I went too wide with the story... lol... So, I did the upgrade, rebooted my computer, and got... a BLACK SCREEN!! Nothing happens!! It stuck completely... I took my phone and began to search for reasons why that happened and how to reverse back my system to the previous version (of course, my last backup was a year ago (or more)🤦‍)... After a while, I found the reason and it was this:


Can you spot the date in the top left corner? Yes, it was a freakin' 3 days ago!!! And yes, I have exactly that AMD GPU! :double-palmface-emoji-comes-here:
So, the probabilities that this happens are so low, that I can't even calculate them... One reason why are they so low is that I'm doing these system upgrades very rarely, but when I do them, I'm very lucky to be a guinea pig... lol... 😂 Proud to be one of the chosen ones... 🤣

I remember ONE time when I had a situation that was maybe even more "unique case" 😃... When I had a PC shop, we were selling computer parts, but also printers... And we bought a new Samsung laser printer which was easy to refill, but the model was like 2 weeks old! When we got it for testing, we realized that the toner has a special chip that marks when it is empty, and when you refill it, it wouldn't work... So, we began to Google it, and for the first time in my life, Google showed only ONE PAGE of results! 😂


One of the results was in Russian language, but somehow, we managed to understand how and what we had to do with that chip to make it work... and it worked out! 😃

Back to my current case... Long story short, as you are reading this post, you probably guessed that my computer works... 😀 I recovered the system from the old backup, some apps are now older than they were before, but it works (I hope that script for paying this "dividends" will work out... will see in a minute)... Not touching anything!!! 😂 I will probably buy a new hard disk (is it cold like that anymore?), and install a new system on it... I found that the best way to NOT lose some valuable data is by "experimenting", and if I need something to do fast, I can always replace the disk with the old one, load the old system and do it!!

What did I learn today? Upgrades are good, but not always necessary as we think... We can survive without the newest iPhone, the best sneakers on the market, or without having the newest version of the operating system... 😃

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Let's go back to the report numbers!

The same as last week, we didn't have too much movement in the pool... A few small delegations from current members... Thanks for your delegations!!!

In the last 7 days we mined 100 BEE tokens in total!!!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!


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What about the bonus tokens?
This week it is time to giveaway some SPS tokens as a bonus... Last time, I did that at the end of April, and from them, unfortunately, the price went down significantly... Well, that's not that bad if you are accumulating SPS tokens for the long term as you can get more of them for less money! Because of that, you will receive this time almost double the previous amount! Of course, if you are not accumulating SPS tokens, you can freely sell them on the market... There is enough liquidity to do that without big slippage...

There will be distributed 230 SPS tokens to the delegators of the pool as a bonus reward today!


As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... There will be distributed 100 BEE tokens and 230 SPS tokens as a bonus... The APR (without the bonus) was 7.767%, and when we added the bonus it went up to 9.313%!

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought WB and sold BEE tokens at the middle HiveEngine price...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post, and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to STAKE tokens to YOUR account and DELEGATE your staked WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102)! Every week you will get your portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!


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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here https://inleo.io/hive-119826/@ph1102/workerbee-p-h-ool-let-s-help-each-other

Thank you for your time,


None of this is financial advice!!!

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I remember that Windows upgrade and it was some issue with the firewall that shutdown your computer. I lost all faith in Windows after that...


I had a more "personal" experience with Windows loopholes... lol... Having firewall + antivirus and who knows what more, all up-to-date... and being hacked... lol...


Thank you for the report; it looks good. Yeah, these upgrades can be tricky... at my job, I'm using RHEL right now, one 8 and something version, and in vacation time, we will shut down the whole network to upgrade to 8.10 and then install the update from the apps running on that. It's a whole drama, usually 1x a year, and I take the time before the holidays in August... one of my colleagues who maintains the network at school says that he is most satisfied with Zorin OS and that it works like a charm.
I'd like to try it for home, but what when I'm using Photoshop and Premiere, and it doesn't work on Linux


Thanks for your suggestion... I have checked Zorin OS and while it does look like a light version of Ubuntu, I'm not sure that all apps would work... It is a perfect choice for older machines, as I can see...

I'd like to try it for home, but what when I'm using Photoshop and Premiere, and it doesn't work on Linux

Yeah, those were my thoughts 20 years ago, but I wasn't a skillful PS user... All that I needed was available in GIMP... But today, I think that there are many apps for Linux in all "niches"...


Yeah, twenty years ago I could have learned something else, but now that I'm older and it's a bit harder for me to learn... especially Gimp, which used to look really awful, I couldn't do anything in it...


I 100% agree with you on GIMP! lol... They had 1 version in the past that was intuitive, but every new version is more and more complicated... lol... Or, it's because we are getting old... 😂


Yeah. Oh, and about OS—today, my colleague just installed ChromeOS on an old laptop with Centrino/Celeron, about 10 years old. Hey, I was surprised at how smoothly it worked. It took more time to load up, but then everything went fast.


The same happened to me. I used to prefer using laptop, and I used to keep myself away from smartphones 10-12 years ago. Now I can say that it is vice versa 😄 I use my laptop only for organizing my files, photos ,videos etc.


Really? Huh... It looks like I'm too old to make a swap and move my work to smartphones... I'm too stuck with a keyboard, mouse, and a big screen... 😃


Hehe these days I actually invest in a good phone because it's something that I use on a daily basis. Been using Samsung since I switched over from Nokia, and I am happy so far.

Thanks for the update and tokens!



I had one Samsung, but I don't stick to the brands... Tried many of them, and for my usage, any smartphone does the work... lol...
But, I remember that Samsung was OK, and I used it for a long time without issues!


It sucks when software doesn't go your way. Those incompatibilities really suck. Those backups really come in handy and you need to do that when you never know what will fail.

Thanks for running the pool and for the BEE/SPS tokens.


Backups saved me a lot of times in similar cases... As I was in the hosting business, it was crucial to have fresh backups on so many occasions... :)


If we set price limit for what we want or we are waiting for the price to come down before we buy what we want, we may never get it. So the earlier the better
That thing happened to me but I learnt my lesson and now am using a very good iphone


Nice! I never had an iPhone... and probably will not, but who knows... :) As, I don't use that much my smartphone, my needs are low... :)


Yes indeed big bro upgrades aren't always necessary. It’s such a gamble sometimes. Last time I upgraded my OS, I had to troubleshoot for hours. I miss the days of simple tech man😂😂😂


My OS reinstallation and setting up the stuff that I need usually lasts for 2-3 days... lol... That's why I try to do it as few times as possible...


You see what I'm talking about 😂😂😂 2 to 3 days 😂😂 who has time for all that


The idea is that an upgrade is always better afterall, moving up is a positive sign of progress, but in tech, individually speaking, it's not always like that. I remember upgrading my android version and it didn't really feel too much better than the last one..


Yeah, that happens... This time, I had to roll out an old backup which wasn't the recent update before, but a backup from almost a year (or more ago)... And I noticed that some apps aren't updated, but the laptop works even better than 2 days ago... lol...
So, more-less, exactly what you described with your Android :)


It's how these things tends to happen. However I guess it's a thing of preference as many just wants it because it's new


Of course, my mobile was working well after the update, so now I don't understand the function, so there must be an option here that the person who wants to update can do it. are updated.


I remember having similar issues with my Mint a while ago, but not with the OS, but with something installed on it: ffmpeg. That eventually broke my videos in Firefox and the ability to install GIMP. In the end I chose to re-install the OS. Was a little painful at first, and I lost a couple of things I forgot to back up, but overall a clean install every once in a while it's probably good for Mint too, if we keep installing various versions of packages and dependencies and so on, even if it has version management tools.


I think I will install Ubuntu next time... I know Mint is based on it, but the original is more robust, and it works very well on my wife's computer... I was using Mint for a long time (different versions), but maybe it's time for a change... :)


I don't know. I had Ubuntu some years ago and it was less friendly, but true, quite stable. But Linuxes evolved since then on the UX side.
