The Nice Guys (2016) .:. A Source of a Good Laugh! 😀


Okay, guys... It's time for a completely different blog post from me... :) I suppose that the purpose of blogging is to show your audience or better said friends here on HIVE, all your sides, not just one specific one... Yes, some of us (you) are crypto miners, others traders, affiliate marketers, photographers, or cooks... But, we aren't just that... We are a lot more than that...

One of the sides that I didn't share with you many times, is my love for movies! I like to watch movies, when my free time allows, of course... Which genre? I like good horror movies, thrillers, dramas, sci-fi movies, and of course, good comedy movies... I have my favorites, and if we're in the Rising Star Sunday stream sessions, you probably know some of them by my GIF picks... :)

So, let's talk about the movie that I have watched just a couple of days ago, for my 5th time (or more)... lol... I like to do that to myself and rewatch my favorite movies a LOT OF TIMES... For example, I have watched both Deadpool movies over 10 times, EACH... 😃 But, this time, let's talk about Nice Guys!

The movie itself isn't a new one, as a matter of fact, it's created in 2016, so 6 years old, but if you didn't watch it and you like a good comedy, The Nice Guys is the right choice for you... When you gather two fantastic actors like Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling, you get magic! Almost 2 hours of a good laugh with plenty of silly jokes and legendary quotes...

The story of the movie is set in the 1970s in Los Angeles... The city was blooming and the crime was on top... Crazy parties, drugs, money, porn stars, murders, missing people... A perfect job for a private detective Holland March (Gosling) who is hired to investigate the apparent suicide of famous porn star Misty Mountains... Unplanned, he got teamed up with Jackson Healey (Russell Crowe) and they are trying to figure out what really happened and who stands behind the mysterious events...

I have watched a lot of Russell Crowe's movies and he was more-less in his ordinary "role" in this one, and greatly played the "bad cop", or better said, the "hard cop" in this movie... On the other side, I loved how Ryan Gosling played his role in this one... It was just fantastic to watch his always drunk PI role, with plenty of weird voices, and emotions... Holland March (Gosling) is a naive but still cunning detective, which uses all his intelligence to get the maximum from his clients and spend the least possible time doing the job...

I don't want to go deeper into the story of the movie to not spill some beans... But, if you want to have a lot of fun and laugh, you should definitely watch the movie! It's worth every minute of the time... The movie was directed and written by Shane Black, well-known for movies like Iron Man 3, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and The Predator from 2018...

And for the end, just a couple of my favorite quotes from the movie...

Holly March: Dad, there's like whores here and stuff.
Holland March: Sweetheart, how many times have I told you? Don't say "and stuff". Just say "dad, there are whores here".

Holland March: Munich.
Jackson Healy: What?
Holland March: Guy without his balls. A Munich.
Jackson Healy: Munich, is a city in Germany, Munich. München.
Holland March: You sure?
Jackson Healy: My dad was stationed there.
Holland March: Right. Hitler only had one ball.

Holland March: I was in the pool.
Jackson Healy: You were in the pool?
Holland March: Yeah.
Jackson Healy: Why?
Holland March: I had to question the mermaids. What were you doing while I was working?

Don't forget to check out the official trailer(s)! It will definitely help you to decide to watch the movie... ASAP! :)

Source GIFs:
Source quotes:

Thank you for your valuable time,



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Crazy parties, drugs, money, porn stars, murders, missing people

@tanjakolader add this to the list of things to watch please. !LOL


hehehe... and you will not regret it! :)
One of the best movies that I have watched lately... :)




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Ryan Gosling is truly talented: enjoyed his performance in romcoms, he is good in musicals and now I see this. Definitely on my to watch list right now.
