RE: Hive Price DOES Matter! .:. MyHiveGoals 2024


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It couldn't be better said, we're still here for the community, and having our girls on our side helps too 🤣 I don't want to imagine what would happen if the girls hated our long days on the platform...

Hahahahaha... I know how that looks as she wasn't here from the beginning... And it was tough! 😂

Thanks for your kind words! Also, I'm not an angel or a saint... I did many things wrong here on Hive and outside it... On HIVE I went through many different phases to realize WHY HIVE is important for me... I have done bad things that were bad for me and the people around me, as I was focused on APR, on getting more and more tokens, instead of working on providing value to others...

I suppose that all that helps to more appreciate things today...
