Hive Funnel .:. #MyHiveGoals 2022 Edition!


In the last #MyHiveGoals report I was writing about diversification of your portfolio, but not diversifying among different coins, but among different "risk ratios"... And, in general, it was a talk about DeFi projects out there that I look from a bit different view... For me, these projects are ideal for cryptocurrency accumulation...

I have mentioned a lot of times my audacious goal for this year, to reach the ORCA rank on Hive... I am aware that curation rewards on HIVE aren't the best lately and that I can't reach my goal through doing ONLY that... On the other side, I can create posts and earn author rewards on them, but still, without big whale upvotes, that's also not enough to reach my goal...

So, what's the solution, and how is POSSIBLE to reach that goal? Well, I think that the "secret" is in other income sources that I will funnel into my HivePower goal... I have also probably mentioned many times, that Hive Power is an ideal long-term "savings account" and that's exactly how I treat it...

The last couple of days was crazy-busy for me... I was researching and learning as much as possible about the Polycubs until its launch that was yesterday... I was creating different strategies in my head, how to begin, how to "secure" some earnings early, and how to grow my stake simultaneously... This "securing" earnings will be one part of the puzzle for reaching my ORCA rank... Part of the earnings from DeFi will go directly into HivePower!

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Created in

So, as I said, I have done a lot of research on DeFi and learned a lot of things... Of course, there is a lot more to be learned, but I will try to share some of my knowledge with you in the next few days... Polycub is an awesome platform, with a great development team and deserves YOUR attention...

As always, I will try to show you how it works, why it works like that, how you can get involved, but the final decision is yours if it is "your jam" or not... No shilling, just sharing facts and my point of view... Stay tuned!

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Enough talking, back to the point! We have stepped into the new month and the #MyHiveGoals spreadsheet table looks the same as it was in the last report?! The only difference is the numbers inside the cells, but I have already covered some of the goals! It's always like that, you have things that are coming easy, and others that are messing around with you... 🙂

Well, despite powering up 1K HIVE at #HivePUD day, I'm still far away from my monthly (and yearly) HIVE Power goal... I have added 1113 HIVE to my stake, but I'm still "short" over 3K tokens to be "on track" with my yearly goal... I know that it looks like I'm not working on this goal seriously, but I do... The background work is always invisible, but very often, crucial for the job! I'm still checking my options, and maybe you can help me with the future strategy...

I would like to hear your opinion about this:

Is it better to work on "side-projects", create wealth there, buy HIVE with earnings, and power up close to the end of the year, or try to power up ASAP as many tokens as I can and accumulate HP through curation and eventually delegations?

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My current stake in LEO Power is almost the same as the amount of LEO tokens that I have inside DeFi... Again, the same thing as with HIVE, it is more profitable to put LEO inside some of the pools and earn yields, but I think that exactly that would make LEO curation more valuable... Less stake inside the LEO "curation pool" means more earnings to the curators... Also, pay attention to the LEO price as that will probably start to climb (in my opinion...).

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I have to admit that I didn't expect that the price of WORKERBEE tokens will go back down that soon... I didn't stake more, but I did buy a couple and still waiting to see what to do with them... The spread between the buy and sell orders is huge and it looks that people aren't ready to buy it for more than 1.5-1.7 HIVE... If you ask me, my orders are there around 1 HIVE, waiting to be filled by "weak hands" investors... :) The monthly goal is already reached, so no worries...

My BEE POWER goals are going in parallel with the WORKERBEE... By staking WB, I get BEE tokens as a reward + curating with staked BEE tokens makes more BEEs... :) As the monthly goal is reached, the spare tokens will be sold for HIVE probably!

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I have finally done it! I have started with regular taking out profits from the RISING STAR game! I know that maybe that doesn't look that difficult, but for me, it was a challenge... lol... After a year and a half of playing the game, reinvesting everything back all the time, it was time to take some chips from the table... It will not influence my progress in the number of cards that I accumulate, but it can help in "helping" other goals to be accomplished... Hive Funneling!

It looks that we are getting back into the calm SPS token phase... Price of the tokens is going down slowly, probably until the next promo card sale... That means possible tokens purchases in the near future, but I will leave that as an option... I'm doing fine with my SPS token goal for now...

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It's time to update the numbers and put them into the spreadsheet until the next week! So, freshly updated numbers for #MyHIVEGoals, on March 6th, 2022 are:


Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here.

Thank you for your time,


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The link to my initial 2022 Goals Edition is here...

These are my initial goals for 2022 created on January 2nd, 2022:


Update 06.02.2022.
BEE POWER 2500 --> 3500
RISING STAR NFTs 5555 --> 6000

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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think building side channels are better because not everything will work out from the start. You can always move things from projects doing well for your other goals later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


not everything will work out from the start.

This is a big truth... Not everything will work out from the start and just a few will work out in the long run!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I also like to have multiple income sources, but to answer the question, it's more complicated. It depends on the price of HIVE. We all expected a bear market. But will it come and what form will it take this time? Personally I prefer the DCA approach for Hive. But if you choose the alternative, you may end up with a much better outcome by the year end.


Thanks for your opinion! I tend to forget the HIVE price as one of the variables in the formula... Somehow, I'm afraid to think about HIVE at 2, 3, or more USD per token, but it's easily possible to get there... We are moving around $1 for some time and it looks like a "psychological" number in everyone's head...

And with a steady HIVE price, it's all up to APRs of different programs and were to accumulate faster to get to the goal... I suppose that a balanced mix between 2 things is always the best option... Except balancing between 2 women... That can be dangerous... 🤣 😂



I suppose that a balanced mix between 2 things is always the best option... Except balancing between 2 women... Thank can be dangerous... 🤣 😂

