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Genuinely! The antecedent of cryptocurrency started with Bitcoin which was established, inaugurated and came into existence by the group of programmers under Satoshi Nakamoto. Ever since that 2009, after a short while,Bitcoin has been trending ever since, then those that took the courage to invest then in the first cryptocurrency then are now billionaire. With that Bitcoin set the pace for other cryptocurrency coins like ethereum, Binance coin, tether, solana, litecoin, dogecoin, hivecoin which was created in 2017 etc to emulate. Cryptocurrency has made a lot of people wealthy,I mean largely majority of people that invested wisely reaped their gain big time. Since the cryptocurrency has been on the positive note,it has been creating it own enemy.

Who are the enemies?

We don't need a microscope to see the small enemy of cryptocurrency. The decentralized nature that cryptocurrency posseses over the fiat money that is being controlled by the federal government of probably each country. It's agreed that cryptocurrency isn't owned by anyone, that speaks well what cryptocurrency entails. There are a lot of people who doesn't even care about cryptocurrency,some have even claimed that they don't own any cryptocurrency coin,person like Peter Schiff has publicly castigated cryptocurrency, someone who believed in gold claiming it's too soon for cryptocurrency to be accredited has long time Investment.

A lot of negative comments have been put forward against cryptocurrency but that doesn't stop the good existent and the future of cryptocurrency. For example in my country Nigeria, we have our own enemy which is the federal government who controls the central bank of Nigeria to her citizens from operating and make use of the cryptocurrency. The reason for their ban on cryptocurrency was just a flimsy one, they claimed cryptocurrency has been used as avenue for corrupt practices but still we still have some top officials in Nigeria that are still making use of the cryptocurrency despite it has been banned for now in Nigeria. Finally,the thing cryptocurrency has it own enemies but I believe there's no permanent enemy in cryptocurrency game.

Those who claimed to be enemies of cryptocurrency has enemy only see it as threat to their own side of investment. For example some like Peter Schiff who has been one of the front-runners of gold Investment. What should we expect from his comment towards cryptocurrency Investment? It's obvious that if such person wanted to preach Investment,it's obvious he's going to preach gold Investment. So the more the hate speach towards the more people are trooping in to Invest in cryptocurrency.

Thanks for stopping by to view my blog. Please do have a wonderful day ahead.@peterale cares🤭

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 110 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


The biggest enemy of cryptocurrency is the lack of trust. Cryptocurrencies are so new that most people don't understand them. Many people don't even know what a cryptocurrency is. In order for cryptocurrencies to become mainstream, the public needs to be educated about how they work and why they're important.
