Unspoken and broken bees


Now this will not make a lot of sense but it does not need to. Since this is my blog I get to write what I like and I am sure those who don't like it will downvote or whatnot but one little unspoken guideline we all have become accustomed to by now is "Move along."

Frankly if no one moved along then you would need 1 downvote from each person on Hive on whatever is trending. Then again if you actually know what is on the Hive trending then I doubt you have been here long.

As with all things there are caveats and with that you can stop chattering your teeth like a banshee about the generalization that all things trending should be downvoted. Only most should. Or none.

I really can't be arsed and hence I move along.

Another trend on Hive are these stupid comment bots, now all fair when they reward you their own token. Nice, clean and bloody direct out of their "pocket".

Not so nice when these things start using the Hive reward pool. Nothing inherently wrong with that aside from that they are offloading the RISK and ethical use onto the user.

Now when it comes to self-voting and Hive then we have been around the block and again, it basically goes like this:

If you have a lot of money then it is fine.
If you don't then err on the way of caution, because everyone with money is watching what you do.

This does extend, remember those useless upvote bots that is mighty useful when you want to reward commenters and others the problem is since they use the Hive reward pool to an extent and say you have like me only 3 commenters (please I do not want anymore than that this is not a bloody party) then you run that ethical risk of I scratch your back you scratch mine.

Again this is because of incompetence on the bot creators part. More than that I would say it is self-interest that drives that.

See to use some of these you obviously need their little token. So you get the pigeonhole-coin and you think oh nice my vote is worth 0.002 so I can give someone this vote which is .02 - remember you are still poor so don't have much of the camel spew to be spitting.

On Hive this becomes a ethical dilemma. Really I am not going to explain it because if you can't see it...

Now that we are happily voting away, the VOTE-BOT owner who is no longer just a friendly yaptrap pleaser and is now a good 'ol fashioned STEEM voting service starts having issues.

The good and right thing to do would be to moderate your VOTE-BOT but this is obviously not the Hive way, and instead of implementing a proper moderation system, and this can be automated as well but obviously they took it from someone else so who the hell knows how the code works right.

No instead since this now is in the almighty Hive universe why not get the Guardians of the Bees Anus involved and let them implicate perfectly legit users in some classic reward nipple tugging.

So basically if something on Hive gives you an actual vote as reward, you better be asking how can this screw me or the people I give this to over?

I like using the @Ecency vote sometimes and frankly feel they do in effect moderate and do the effort to control how it is used.

I like using the PIZZA command although it means nothing it is something , like a smile to some people.

I do not like commands that call a vote without knowing what the owner of that bot has done to ensure I or the person I give it to is protected inadvertently or directly.

I do not care for these buy my pigeonhole token and we will reward you from the public pool - and even if not from the pool a vote gets value from somewhere, are you using secondary tokens? Do they like the way users are using your tool?

But anyway, go ahead make multiple blogs to support the same facade of an account funnel that back into some other paper town and maybe sell some hope while you are at it.

It is a small thing I guess, a 0.02 cent vote ... Who lays claim to that gift horse.

I even got a bloody picture for this post - https://www.pexels.com/photo/pigeon-drinking-water-461329/


Communication is such a simple thing, and humans complicate issues by failing to make a valid attempt to investigate before throwing around a downvote.

It's a shame. but yep, it is definitely becoming the Hive way

Thankfully, the Hive way is paved by Hivers. And as long as there is a shred of sense among some of them, people can choose to do the right thing.

And then others can see there are other options...

and before you know it....a detour and alternate "Hive path" appears separate from the ever-growing "Hive Highway" being constructed.

choices choices.

p.s. I love when you put your anger to good use....hehehehe ❤️


Yes it will be interesting how standards develop , I would always be happier with a well defined standards specification for tools and applications to serve as a community guide but alas we will play it by ear. !PIZZA


oh so you're the one to blame for all those faq on our site????

hmmmm..good to know. hehee

I played piano for 10 years and whenever I tried to play by ear it made my cheek hurt. So I just stick to the digits now.

as far as standards developing...ho hum... lol


Did someone say "party"?

I like you. Always have.

Eh... I still don't get much of the money and tech side. Almost two years in and still don't have enough interest to learn that party... I mean part, so

Did someone say party?

I try different stuff and learn by doing. Currently have removed all auto upvotes, bar for some communities (I think because days go by here) and am going organic for a bit to experiment and experience

If I can't afford organic I can at least walk it for a bit to see how it suits me.

So far? It's a different experience. 💯 upvote actually.

For now anyway. Shit changes. Change happens. Nothing is carved in st... oops.

Did someone say there's a party goin' on around here?


Yeah I think if you spend enough time or dedicate a time to be doing upvotes and really trying to control it then nothing wrong with organic. I do follow some trails and people mainly they only begin if my vote is at about 86% , that gives me 3 votes a day to kinda do manual voting without having too much recharge time before auto vote kicks in. Since people also get autovotes I tend to have those set lower about 30-50% since that is an almost everyday vote vs a 100% once in a while vote. Trails can be lower but it is also pointless to make them too low depending on your vote value.

Party of 1 and everyone else is window shopping :P !PIZZA


Well thank you for that :) <3

I got kicked out of Fartnite Duos because I'm a bit slow off the mark and had to have a party of 1 as well this Friday :|

Eh... shopping is boring

But I'll ping you when I'm on my way and bring the marshmallows

