Something to listen


Recently I have come across James Lindsay, and I am not really sure where he falls on the Jordan Peterson to Purple Hair Inbred but I do like how he breaks things down.

For all intents and purposes, Jordan Peterson has become quite batshit crazy, but I think that is the norm if you only consume a single person's overall ideology.

There are many because they are all broken, so if you are some fanboy of only one then you probably have mental issues.

Anyway my favourite so far of James Lindsay and what seems to be part of a big workshop with a bunch of lectures in this specific series.

This specific video is number 2 of 3 in his the Secret Religions of the West, right now I am listening to number 1.

So I will note you don't need an order for these since they cover enough ground per lecture to be useful as is.

This specific one Gnostic Parasite was cool because it explains a ton of what just seems like batshit crazy behaviour by these supposedly oppressed types.

He covers Marxism which is obviously at the core of most of these people's ideas and just breaks it down into very well-explained chunks.

Overall just a good listen and learn if you-wish a series of videos.

I would be interested to hear more of him if only because he is not as irritatingly repetitive as that dude from the Daily Wire but I guess the difference is here he is delivering something instead of reacting.
