The Golden Goldberg


Goldberg is a very popular beer in Nigeria. Among other Beer producing companies it stands out. I would say from my personal opinion that the Gold in the name makes it golden as it is well brewed and it has a very sexy and an inviting taste. Once opened either the can or the glass comes with a nice smell that alerts the environment of its arrival. The light taste it comes with is heavenly. When it is well chilled on a sunny Saturday like today, then the soothing relief that it gives to the throat is incomparable.

I know a lot of people have their preferences when it come to Beer but what my experience is today I choose to share here on #BeerSaturday.

I love seeing my cup filled to the brim. Afterwards, next is to let it stroll through my oesophagus

The tasty sensation feel that my gullet experiences is of the seventh heaven. Nothing compared to having what one really love and appreciates on a day that is free from work, stress, target, send and read mails, send and respond to reports. I mean a weekend especially Saturday.

My entry to #BeerSaturday is about the Golden feel in Goldberg Larger Beer. It has mad my day wonderful so far.


Man that is a tasty looking frosty pint. Makes me wanna mow the lawn and then reward myself with a light clear one.

