RE: International Stuckist Invitational at Watkins Glen


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How does one monetize the joy of man’s desiring?

Is not joy a kind of payment? The currency of the future, methinks. Joy, and caring. Stuckism seems to me to be bringing that currency into present use.

You're so funny!

this is not the gallery, this is a gorge.

I'm very intrigued by this art form. It's non-self-censorship. Imagine a world in which we all spoke our true minds.


Yes, and contentment is the philosopher’s stone. But it’s nice to have some extra money for cookies. Art is an okay path until it becomes an obsession. Which I think it has for me. I find balance by hosting exhibitions for others. And I’ve made some lasting friends. However, all art, even Stuckism, breeds envy and oneupmanship. I’ll probably leave the art-making soon if I want to watch the river flow and not think of the 10,000 things. What I need going forward is a forest without ticks, good boots, books, food and attractive shelter. Fill the warm days with gardens and landscaping. And the cold ones reading, and occasional painting:)
