Crypto logo and more


Today crypto projects is evasive
Whitepapers dont mean much
But the thought of a new economy is there


A crypto project asked me to do some art for them
As i am gladly an artist in my spear time
And All tools are cool to use , painting acrylic , digital , 3D, Collage , photography etc.. i have always been an artist at heart
And sold a lot of my creations , also kept some i hang on my walls and of course gifted many people around me .

Creating logos , was not in my head few years ago
But i started with creating the first one for steemit
With a nice pay at the end .
I only focused on the subject , i guess that is how we do it .

It takes a lot of time to create , but end result is what matters .

I believe , art is magic and we all are artists
Poets , singers and healers .

Art is everywhere


Those are my recent creations :

I could do this all day 24/7

Here is for the logo

Painted logo

Simple digital Logo


I also created that one for LUNCPenguins




My days are filled with Astrology and numerology readings and health advices .
Art , osteo, naturo , trading , chatting , my people , my cats , cooking ... and a little sleep

My digital scorpios

At the end , we must do what we enjoy
And i do just that .


Enjoy your day πŸ‘‹πŸ»
