67 billion DUCAT send into the void


67 billion DUCAT send into the void

Leaving 11 billion out there

Sending it to the null address is more than a burn.


Scarcity rules?

If it only were that simple. But there is much more to it than meets the eye. What I do find intriguing is how a lot seems to depend on belief, feelings and predictions. Now, as you may know by now, I do have my own prediction system. It has been around for a long time. It uses three little piglets, a bucket and some truffles. And after (close to) seven years on this platform I wonder how them piglets manage to stay young. Or the farmer whom I hire them from has been pulling my leg for all those years.

Anyway this time around them tiny pinkish mud lovers with their curly tail let me know I needed to purge DUCAT. "HOW...!?", one may ask, yet I cannot tell, as it is under the rose. Unfortunately my crystal ball is kaput, so now I just have one left. It is a bit of a gruesome story of which I will spare you the gore details. There was this farm nearby and I was done renting them piglets, as I did not trust the farmer. And as I wanted to jump over the fence I found out quickly that I had been over estimating my jumping abilities. Long story short, since then I had one crystal ball.

Back to the DUCAT burn though, which is a wee bit different than on Bitshares, for example. On that HIVE ancestor platform burning a Cryptocurrency Token means it can be issued again. Using the Hive-Engine to send almost 67 billion DUCAT to the @null address means they have gone into oblivion. They are somewhere in the nowhere, the void. Meaning that about 85 percent of all DUCAT [DCT] have been destroyed!

There can only be 11 billion

Does this mean that DCT will enter the Cryptocurrency Token market capacity top one hundred? Well, as much as I wish that to happen for the DUCAT hodlers, I think it is highly improbable that it will. Even though I had a gut feeling while I had a vision about an angel holding a DCT coin and them piglets predicted all of this, I have my doubts too.

In the meantime the destruction of close to 67 billion DUCAT was recorded on the blockchain. If you want to, you can check it for yourselves. With that only about 11 billion DCT are left on the market. Mostly in the diamond hands of a few Whale HODLRs. There are some things I still want to do and for that the leftover DUCAT might come in handy. But do not hold your breath for that day to come, as it might never happen. That is why I keep my silence on for a bit more concerning that matter. And in the meantime enjoy the scarcity of DUCAT.

Have a great one!

PS Happy birthday Hive, may the force be with us! And maybe for Ducat too.

Here's the link to the blockchain proof of me sending almost 67 billion DCT into oblivion:


And a screenshot of me doing so on the Hive-Engine:


All images in this publication are licensed under CC0. [Creative Commons Zero]


Into the void on the next step of those tokens mighty voyage!
