Covid-19 taking control of Body fat processing System according to the latest Research



The long lasting and still ravaging the whole world as its impact is been felt in all ramifications though being controlled to an extent still is researches been done to the root to find a way to totally eradicate it and humans being free. The researches going on are been detailed to the causes,effects in different body systems and way out to have it all sorted out by all means.

The latest research being that the effect of covid-19 affecting the body fact processors. Different systems of the body has in no doubt been affected by this covid-19 virus and to some extent measures been fought to be provided as to lessen those effects then popping up at this very critical time.

The virus that causes COVID-19 takes over the body's fat-processing system, creating cellular storehouses of fat that empower the virus to hijack the body's molecular machinery and cause disease. After scientists discovered the important role of fat for SARS-CoV-2, they used weight-loss drugs and other fat-targeting compounds to try to stop the virus in cell culture. Cut off from its fatty fuel, the virus stopped replicating within 48 hours.source

Reaching out as to the lives this virus has dealt with,the body systems it has bewildered, and adding this recent discovered effect having to do with fat being under suspect as its processors. From the research it was noted of the virus having the way through inside the body them affecting the core factors or produces of fat in the body system then leaving the patient as empty as not compared with anything.

Lipids are an important part of every cell. They literally hold us together by keeping our cells intact, and they're a major source of energy storage for our bodies," said Jennifer Kyle, a biomedical scientist at PNNL who specializes in the measurement of lipids. "They are an attractive target for a virus."The team found that SARS-CoV2 does not simply boost the number of triglycerides in our cells. The virus also changes much of our fat-processing system, changing the body's ability to use fat as fuel.source

Moreso been added is the fact that the covid-19 virus has the cause to affect the cardiovascular system in that the breathing pattern is been altered and therefore disturbing the supply of air. If all these are obtainable in covid-19 of recent,how then are humans going to survive,helped and catered for since there is still confident.

