Income, Fair wage Job and the agony of Job Hunting in Nigeria

Hello Hive.



We all need to work in order to earn some income in life. Many factors determine what we do for a living while that which we do for a living in turn has a direct impact on how much we earn. For career guide many of us around here have missed it from the onset of our lives.

Parents here have enforced different course of study for their children and hence influenced their career and choice of a job in life.
Personally i had the passion for journalism and would have gone for that but my parents pushed me to sciences which I barely survived ending up with a certificate in Microbiology that is still lying dormant.

The academic system here have also altered so many peoples career from giving them a choice of study contrary to what they want.
Since there is a very high competition regarding getting admission into the university, we end up studying whatever the schools also places before us.

From here we can see that so many people are working with unhappy Jobs and do not find fulfilment doing what they dislike that is if they happen to get a job in their field of study contrary to their passion in life.


What I look for when applying for a job.

Well if i desire more money I will do so at the detriment of other factors like my health in particular.
We do not have to overwork ourselves looking for more money. Our body systems have limitations and what is the benefits of making so much money and end up with the tragedy of not been able to enjoy this money in the future when our systems begin to fail from been overworked. I will be willing to quit any job if it pushes me harder than my capacity most especially if this job is a hard work. Other things are proximity to my home so I won't end up spending all the income on transportation. Working hours may not be an issue if it is not a hard labour, I have worked 7am-10pm severally and its okay by me, getting bonuses for extra working hours will be a blessing.


Everyone desires a good boss

Bosses here are really bossy I must confess. Basically Nigeria has not developed because we have been treating each other inhumanely.
Bosses in every sector have treated their employees poorly.
The constant nagging and threat of taking away the job since there a thousand of jobless youths that can be used for replacement. I had a bit of this experience before I was laid off my Sales representative job.

I was once hospitalized and watched a junior Medical doctor in tears over a nagging from his boss.

  • I will appreciate a boss with human feelings and positive welfare attributes.
  • A boss willing to share knowledge and help me grow higher in my work and career choice


Fair Wage

Is it possible to get a fair wage here?
A fair wage should be able to settles your crucial bills for essential needs of food shelter and a bit of clothing (meaning for people living a simple and not flamboyant lifestyle).
While this seem impossible around here, we work out our wages to make them fair not because they are.

Learn to live in a house that is affordable and within your income capacity, buy food and clothing's with alot of frugal sense and mentality.

Make fair what you have not really because it is fair.

Alot of people have result to doing multiple jobs to Augment their incomes

  • An assignment can be done here using the minimum wage of 30k to determine what one earns annually and how to utilize these for food cloth and shelter.

  • Determine which homes to rent from the 30k income

  • Category of food to be purchased

  • What type of cloths one can purchase and wear from such wages


Why I decided to own a business.

My career choice in life was tampered with studying Micro wasn't my choice. After putting in much effort to study and found a bit of interest in it, I graduated with no job or room to practice unless I study further. Further study is enveloped by several constraint.

Having applied for a teaching Job and gone through the interview, the selection process is corrupt and since I had no connection I was denied the job.
Having connections means that you need a good father in higher positions where you are seeking jobs to make way for you.

Then I decided to workout my own job, learn a skill and hopefully watch it grow into a business.
With this I can be my own boss, and in a better position to take care of my health while I work.
Health factors are often times some of the reasons we may not get jobs even if we are qualified.

Farming has been our lifestyle and the mean we have grown our meal for years meaning since I was born.
This has help with the family food needs which makes us spend less on food.
I have learnt alot about farming and working on the farm. Hopefully a commercial farming will be a part of my business sooner than later.

I love and admire those with multiple business and investment, these two and many more can become businesses for me.

This is my experience and points of views regarding jobs,income and job hunting in the country in participation for this weeks prompt by @tergan, thank you for stopping by and in anticipation for your comments and contribution. I tag @johnny023 and @bimpcy to participate in the contest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 166 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


In residency or internship training, the senior doctors would rubbish all your efforts. Such people make work unattractive


Exactly it was one ugly scene. Kudos to all the medics learners who never give up.


Thanks for writing.

I bet you didn't know that microbiology and farming complement each other 😁 ... or maybe you do.

Farmers since forever have been finding ways to preserve their crops over the year and bacteria are one of the best ways to do it.

Use bacteria to turn milk into cheese of yogurt.

Use bacteria to turn vegetables into KimChi, Sauerkraut, Pickles and more.

Use yeasts to turn your grains into breads.

At the University near here I was amazed when I saw that they used bacteria to ferment corn stalks to make a highly digestable food for cows.

Use bacteria to turn fruits into wine...or vinegar...depending on your needs

One exciting thing I was reading about was using bacteria to turn wood into alcohol to fuel vehicles.

Regardless of whether you use your degree or not I'm glad you found out that working for yourself is very beneficial. You choose how hard you are going to work, what work you are going to do, and when to stop to take care of yourself or enjoy time with those around you.

Thanks for writing.


That is food microbiology, an interesting aspect here used for food processing.
I have always wanted to be in the medical aspects but its not too bad
I have got something meaningful doing now and it is satisfying too.

Thanks for the contest.
I am learning alot from other peoples experiences as well.


Very few people can survive with that amount of money coming in as their monthly income and that's why people with income as small as this usually have more than one jobs,some will open a small store where they can do some small business in while they get paid from the 30k job but for people without any other jobs than the this can only rent house in areas that are hugely underdeveloped and when I mean undeveloped I mean houses with little to know source of electricity,a single room apartment which can only be manageable for singles and the funny part is that some of this houses am talking are in extremely terrible conditions some Don't have toilets which is the main reason for high defeacication in Africa and some of this place can be so inconvenient,houses with leakages from the roof whenever there is rainfall , cracked walls and unsafe security doors and windows and no such thing as water supply people sometimes make long treks to get water ,this houses can cost as much as 60k to 70k rent par year depending on where it is even located ,if you want to get any house for confort sake at least houses with water and electricity then the budget is 150k rent for a single room .

For feeding part well people on wages like this do eat whatever they can find just to survive sometimes you eat twice a day in some days once and the worst is when they can't afford anything to eat at all,you can only try food from this road side restaurants that sometimes use trees as shade and you still have to spend #700 for a satisfactory meal which is close to 1 dollar and multiply by three that is #2,100 per day .

There are road side markets where grade two clothing are sold when I say grade two I mean clothing that has been worn by someone you do not know out there,dumped by this person then washed and resold to you and that's what is trending around here,it is difficult to go into any shopping places to get clothes at all because that monthly income can only purchase 3 or at most 4 cloths since a single denim jeans now cost close to 10k and t shirts can cost as much as 8k in those big shop so you have to cut your coat according to your size at least you can get a denim jeans for 3k to 5k from this markets although you will notice the obvious difference in quality.

With all this list you can see that it is almost impossible to survive on just that amount of income.
