A Movie Representing Kindness: Does it ever get any better?


When @cinetv promted this subject for us to write about in this new contest,
at first I really didn't know what to write.
I couldn't find any movie in the back of my mind that would tick all the boxes in my opinion.
But then I let it go, and that's when usually inspiration will hit.
There's only one for me.
And that's as good as it gets.


No, I actually mean the movie 'As good as it gets'.

The Storyline

Melvin, a writer who struggles with an obsessive-compulsive nature, suddenly has to take care of his neighbour's dog.
The waitress who usually serves him at the diner he frequents, is absent due to her son's illness. These two circumstances don't go down well with Melvin.


It's a story of life's struggles. We get a sneak peak into the lives of three very different individuals as the movie goes on.
Their lives, their struggles, the hardships each of them live through.

And in the end, it's kindness and love that conquers all.

The Cast

Jack Nicholson has always been one of my favorite actors, and he can make any role into a success. He's done that with this movie.
After 'One Flew over a Cuckoo's nest' this is my second favorite movie starring Nicholson.

Helen Hunt is not an actress I think much of. Her performances in the past have been OK but it was nothing to write home about in my opinion. However, she performed her role quite well in this movie, and I have to give her credit for that.

Greg Kinnear was my absolute favorite in this. I think it was the first time I'd seen him perform to be honest, and I was a fan after that.

Cuba Gooding Jr. plays a small but strong role.


What I loved about the movie

It shows how regular people, seemingly leading regular lives, can have much different realities than one would ever imagine once you scratch the surface.
A struggling waitress who is too proud to take help from anyone, eventually does so for the love of her child.
A neurotic, and obsessive-compulsive man who likes to live the way he's always done, gets forced to step out of his comfort zone, and does this to help the one person he'd least expected to ever even see eye to eye with.
The dog in the movie does an amazing job to bring these people together.


I think it's a story of surprises, love where it's needed the most, and how people who have nothing in common can put their differences aside to help the other.

The movie was funny but also good enough to shed a tear at times.
The cast was phenomenal in their individual roles but especially Jack Nicholson and Greg Kinnear impressed me.

It's a lovely movie for a movie night with family or friends.
Although not the most age appropriate for the youngest among us.

If you've seen the movie, let me know what you thought of it.
If you haven't, I definitely recommend it!

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unless otherwise stated underneath the picture,
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Posted using CineTV


I've watched this years ago and I kind of forgotten the story line, but reading this reminded me about it. Thank you :)

Came thru LN by the way :)


Stepping out of ones comfort zone especially for someone with OCD must be really difficult and I can’t imagine how he managed to care for the dog without losing his mind.
I’m a sucker for kindness and kind gestures especially to people whom we least expect to show them to.
‘A comedy from the heart that goes for the throat’ sounds interesting and funny. Lol.


What an interesting review! I have not watched this movie but with what I have read, it's definitely worth a watch.

When I watch movies, I always look at the cast first and I recognize Helen Hunt! Don't we all want a little kindness in our lives.

Nicely done! I'm working on my own entry. Good luck. 🙂


Thank you!
The movie is definitely worth a watch.
I must have watched it about 5 times now haha.
Looking forward to reading your entry!
Good luck to you too :)


Thanks for a great reminder. I need to watch this one again as i cant remember it at all. But i love Jack! 🙂


Thanks for your review. I had seen this movie years ago and had totally forgotten about it.
