Data Analysis : Starbits Earning

Greeting Buskerian! I wish you have an awesome day. Today, I am excited to share the estimated Starbits earning from my current fan's number which are 3,177,051 fans. My data analysis is base on my gameplay on 01 July 2024. Due to busy of work, I rarely fully earn my potential starbits earning, but on that 1st July, I played well and gain more than usual. So I excited to share the numbers with you guys.

I earned 139,162 Starbits from Rap Battle mission.

I earned 91,102 Starbits from Band Rehearsal mission.

I earned 195,715 Starbits from Radio Interview mission.

I earned 87,899 Starbits from Illegal Busking mission.

I earned 132,249 Starbits from Open Mic Night mission.

I earned 108,606 Starbits from Full Band Support mission.

I earned 142,348 Starbits from Country Support Tour.

So, in total I earned 897,081 Starbits on 01 July 2024. I'm sure I can earn more than that if I have more hand and time to press the mission on time. Most of the time I am so focus on my daily task that make me lost track of my rising start mission routine. Currently, I have 66,485 card and ranked 39 on the leaderboard. I can reach higher rank than my current rank if I manage to increase my weekly minutes.

So, that all for today's data analysis. I hope the data I show here can become reference for new buskerian who wondering the rough estimation of starbits earning for a total of 3.1m fans. Thank you so much for your attention and support. It make small account like me celebrate the votes and support. Until next post about rising star game. Have a nice day and farewell.

Note : All datas were collected directly from the game's diary on 01 July 2024. The graph were made on Chart Maker Pro mobile app. My thumbnail was made on PixelLab mobile app.

0.09150510 BEE

Any suggestions for a new player at level 40?

0.00007661 BEE

Just keep playing and add more fans to increase starbits earning. Also buy enough music instrument. Happy gaming.

0.00000550 BEE

Awesome data search , this make me interested to collect my personal gaming data.

0E-8 BEE

I'm glad you like it. Keep in going. Let's go!

0E-8 BEE