LOH Contest #95 || Pathological Liars


We all have a different boiling point, some of us are easily angered, others are really cool tempered. Kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long do you stay mad, and what or who can pacify you.


I absolutely detest pathological liars. Even when they can't help it, liars make fools of everyone they lie to. There isn't much use in conversing with someone if you can't believe anything they say.

Dealing with a liar can be difficult, even in casual conversation, because it forces the other person to face or accept the lies, both of which are upsetting to those who don't lie frequently.

I believe it depends on the nature of the lies. Sometimes lying is okay. But that's something else if you're trying to defraud someone or escape responsibility for an error you made.

I certainly don't appreciate people that treat me that way. I would never want to associate with people that are unreliable, careless, or insincere because you never know when they're going to turn around and stab you.

Do I really detest these people so much? Maybe not, but if at all possible, I'd like to stay away from them. As I have observed, people who have lied to me typically confess or their deception surfaces without my knowledge.

It took a long time to forgive them, but it will be quicker if they admit their mistakes. I am filled with guilt. However, I am well aware that I should not place my trust in anybody, and I will remember what they did to me. Even my own family members, who may have lied to me, are hard for me to trust.

I can only remain calm until they acknowledge what they have done. Because of my faith and my religion, I was able to forgive them. So that we can rest and sleep peacefully, kindly forgive them. I firmly believe that, too. I was able to feel better mainly because of that.

I understand that occasionally we make mistakes and have to lie about them. I'm sure we've all told a lie, at least a minor one. But how can we have a good relationship or connection if we lie to those we love and those who trust us?

A good connection and relationship, in my opinion, cannot withstand a huge deception. Never, ever lie to those who trust you, because a lie may destroy trust in an instant.

Here I would like to invite @maya.aruma to join this contest. Just read through the post in #ladiesofhive community. Good luck!



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A good connection and relationship, in my opinion,cannot withstand a huge deception.

I couldn't agree more! When I catch a friend or loved one in a lie, it becomes incredibly hard to believe anything else they say. Trust is broken and it can be hard to repair.

An inspiring post. Well done! !LUV 🙂


@kemmyb Why would they seek to destroy trust that has taken so long to build?
It makes me question what's so difficult about telling the truth.

Thanks for liking this post.


This is very well written. It also is extremely true! Honesty is so important. Without it, there is nothing. I tell my kids this all the time - if I can't trust you, then we can't have a strong relationship.

Once trust is broken...it's gone.


Dishonesty and deception are hard to tolerate especially if they come from people we bestowed our trust. It's nice that you are forgiving. It is indeed one of the ways to live peacefully.

Thank you for sharing :)


Building trust is not easy. One lie can destroy a relationship that took so long to build, that you have invested a lot of energy to keep that relationship.
