Five Seconds Can Make a Difference


A busy executive sits at his desk. (AI Art)

We live in a world that today is very convulsed, everything is accelerated, everyone is running and nobody has time for anything. It is usual that when you ask someone if he wants to share a trip to the movies or some other activity with you, he tells you that he does not have time for that. And this is precisely the phrase that we are proposed to write today: "I don't have time for that". I usually hear this word a lot when the person is not interested in the proposal that one makes or simply does not want to commit to what is being proposed.

And I understand from the perspective of interest or motivation that each one has in life, not having time for something. But there is also another important point to address in this and it is that we have to be a little more empathetic, always try to carry a message in what we do, in our content. People have to learn how to do things because they really like it.

I understand that there are people who dedicate themselves to carrying out a task exclusively because it is a job and because they have to earn a living. And I also understand that there are tasks that are done because they really like them and that those tasks that they like, because it has happened to me, there comes a point where they become monotonous despite being something that you love. In my case, for example, I love writing, I love bringing content to you, but there are days and there are moments when I wake up tired and exhausted. And, of course, there is not always the same motivation besides wanting to earn a living and being able to bring bread to my table with what I earn. That is not the only motivation to have to go out and write and get ahead, there has to be something else, a message that you deliver to people, a moral, an added value.

This is what really makes a difference in each of the content that you do, be it YouTubers, be it Tiktokers, be it writers, be it actors, singers, musicians. In each of the professions that you work in, you always have to try to find the meaning and the extra mile or the extra kilometer to what you do to deliver it to you. And this is what gives them essence, so when they don't have time, more than life, when their time runs out in this life, it will already be too late for them to realize that they have not walked the extra mile or that they have not they have given that little bit extra that can make a significant difference in the lives of others and in the world. If we have the opportunity during our short stay in this world, to make life more wonderful for ourselves and for other people, and to be able to deliver a little bit of joy, a little bit of better quality content to other people, then let's try to do it.

I understand, as I say, that there are times when you don't have time for things, and I have repeated it many times in this post, but I want to emphasize that, even though you feel you don't have time, dedicate even be it five seconds of your writing, adding three, four or even a single word in addition to that writing, putting feelings into it, putting affection into it and putting that emotion into it. And I'm sure that with just one word, if you do it right, you're going to make a difference in that other person's mind. And that word of difference can be precisely the difference or what makes the change between something good and something positive, between life and death, between creation and non-creation.

This is what I thought today, because I woke up a bit of a philosopher, and this is my five-minute writing.

This is my entry in @mariannewest's daily freewriting challenge. Today's prompt is no time for that.


Vivimos en un mundo que hoy en día es muy convulsionado, todo es acelerado, todo el mundo anda corriendo y nadie tiene tiempo para nada. Es usual que cuando tú le preguntes a alguien si quiere compartir contigo una salida al cine o alguna otra actividad, te diga que no tiene tiempo para eso. Y esta es precisamente la frase que nos proponen para escribir el día de hoy: "no tengo tiempo para eso". Esta palabra la suelo escuchar mucho cuando la persona no le interesa la propuesta que uno le hace o simplemente no quiere comprometerse con lo que se le está proponiendo.

Y yo entiendo desde la perspectiva del interés o la motivación que tiene cada uno en la vida, el no tener tiempo para algo. Pero también hay otro punto importante a tratar en esto y se trata de que tenemos que ser un poco más empáticos, tratar siempre de llevar un mensaje en lo que hacemos, en nuestros contenidos. Las personas tienen que aprender a hacer las cosas porque realmente les gusta.

Yo entiendo que hay gente que se dedica a realizar una tarea exclusivamente porque es un trabajo y porque tienen que ganarse la vida. Y entiendo también que hay tareas que se hacen porque realmente les gustan y que esas tareas que les gustan, porquea mí me ha pasado, llega un punto en el que se vuelven monótonas a pesar de ser algo que amas. Yo, en mi caso, por ejemplo, amo la escritura, amo llevarles contenidos a ustedes, pero hay días y hay momentos en los que me levanto cansado y agotado. Y, por supuesto, no hay siempre la misma motivación además de querer ganarme la vida y poder traer el pan sobre mi mesa con lo que me gano. Esa no es la única motivación para tener que salir a escribir y salir adelante, tiene que haber algo más, un mensaje que le entregues a la gente, una moraleja, un valor agregado.

Esto es lo que realmente hace una diferencia en cada uno de los contenidos que ustedes hacen, sean YouTubers, sean Tiktokers, sean escritores, sean actores, cantantes, músicos. En cada una de las profesiones en las que ustedes desempeñen, siempre tienen que tratar de buscarle el sentido y la milla extra o el kilómetro extra a lo que hacen para entregárselo. Y esto es lo que les da esencia, entonces cuando no tengan tiempo, más de vida, cuando se les acabe el tiempo en esta vida, ya va a ser tarde para que se den cuenta de que no han caminado la milla extra o que no han dado ese poquito extra que pueda ser una diferencia importante en la vida de los demás y en el mundo. Si tenemos la oportunidad de nuestra corta estancia en este mundo, hacer la vida más maravillosa para nosotros y para otras personas, y poder entregarles un poquito de alegría, un poquito de contenido de una mejor calidad a otras personas, pues tratemos de hacerlo.

Yo entiendo, como digo, que hay momentos en los que no tienen tiempo para las cosas, y lo he repetido muchas veces en esta publicación, pero es que quiero hacer énfasis en que, a pesar de que sientan que no tienen tiempo, dediquen aunque sea cinco segundos de su escritura, agregando tres, cuatro o hasta una sola palabra además a ese escrito, poniéndoles sentimientos, poniéndoles el cariño y poniéndoles esa emoción. Y estoy seguro de que con solo una palabra, si ustedes lo hacen bien, van a crear una diferencia en la mente de esa otra persona. Y esa palabra de diferencia puede ser precisamente la diferencia o lo que haga el cambio entre algo bueno y algo positivo, entre la vida y la muerte, entre la creación y la no creación.

Esto es lo que he pensado el día de hoy, porque amanecí un poco filósofo, y este es mi escrito de cinco minutos.

Esta es mi participación en el desafío diario de escritura libre de @mariannewest. El prompt de hoy es no tengo tiempo para eso.

The header image is maded using and has a link to their web. The separators and the signature were made using and are entirely my own.


Tell that to the 5 second rule. It's definitely based on the premise that five seconds doesn't mean anything when I drop food on the ground.


hahaha well actually that is out of context because it is in another sense. Of course, everything must be put in context, not so bald or with two wigs hahahahaha


Thank you -- I needed this today!


What a great honor it is to be able to help you!

I am very happy to know that a great writer like you, my humble and bumpy ideas add something to your life! .

Thank you very much!


As someone who has produced seven days a week for longer than I care to think about, TODAY was that day of ... "I don't know ... but, hey, a freewrite only needs to be FIVE MINUTES, so I'll just take a look at it [five seconds] and something will come to me."

Look out on Friday, and you will see your "humble and bumpy ideas" getting an even bigger audience...


Yes, I am convinced of that, it is the process of growing and improving. I really appreciate your motivation! And I'll be on the lookout for Friday! =)
