StarPro Music Promoter Rewards


Ever wondered how much star pro you can get with x amounts of starbits in music promoter?

In this post, I will try to teach you an estimate amount of star pro earned per starbits which depends on the number of missions done in that day and at what missions you bid on.

To get started, we should first take a look at music promoter


At first look, it already shows us much information,
but we should focus on the three main sources of information, "Highest bid", "Total Missions Today" and "Total Missions Yesterday".

"Highest bid" shows us how much starbits each mission will be deducted from our starbits pool if we were to outbid and "Total Missions Yesterday" shows us the total missions that have been done yesterday.

Now let's say we have 100,000 starbits at our disposal for outbidding.

Because we can see that the highest bid for these missions ranges from "123 to 125", so for us to get Starpro, we would need to outbid these bids of other players by entering a clicking war of the outbid button.
So, we click until no one wants to bid higher than us and for example purposes, let's say players no longer try to out bid us at 130.
Congrats, we have taken the spot as the top promoter!

Now this means that we pay 130 starbits per mission until our starbits pool of 100,000 runs out from all these mission being made real-time by other players. In exchange for this, we earn star pro based on a percent of how much missions were made during our time as the top bidder/promoter.

Now, to know how much starpro we can get with our 100,000 starbits pool, we first need to know how much missions we can make in a day with 100,000 and because we know that we can be the top bidder at "130" per mission, we need to divide 100,000 with 130. and thus we can make a total of 769 missions before our starbits pool runs out.

Now that we know we can only bid for 769 missions in a day, we take the total value of all missions done yesterday, 30,950, image

and divide it to our 769 missions to get an estimate percent share of starpro. So, 769 / 30950 = 0.024, multiply it with 100 and we get 2.4%. This means that our 769 missions make up 2.4% of all missions done and for every percent = starpro.
In conclusion, we get 2.4 starpro for 100,000 starbits! 😊 (assuming the max amount of missions made today will be the same as yesterday, 30950)

So that is all rockstars, I thank you for reading up to this point!
Now you have learned how much starpro you can make with your starbits in music promoter hehe :) bye now


Keep on rocking!


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If this is the first time you've heard of Rising Star and would like to try, consider using my referral link 😁:

