RE: Two Coins On My Radar With A High Face Value

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The #piratesunday tag began in the Steem days when there were many more active #sgs members and it's not always 'Pirate' themed. If it is shiny and posted on Sunday well then use the tag. Back in 2017,18 there is very little Pirate themed silver bullion products unlike what we have today. I've shared coins with ships, Caribbean Islands coinage, hand poured bullion skulls and bars from various artists, shipwreck coinage, more recent silver cobs from the golden age of pirates. (I just got my hands on an inexpensive half cob) And my crown jewel 1765 Carlos III 8 Reales 'Pieces of Eight' Pillar dollar.

Ships are often portrayed on coins. They represent a line of communication between countries, commerce and trade and not just exploration and discovery. Until greed set in and everybody put lots of guns on them.

The Vancouver Sea festival used to attract sailing ships here when I was little. Any actual personal experience were on Salmon Fishing and Packer boats I worked on for in the summer salmon fishing seasons. I wasn't a nurse then, out of High School. It was hard work and paid well. Too bad I frivolously spent that cash on a lot of stupid things. 🤦‍♀

!LOL, It took me almost 30 minutes to write this reply, I'm so slow!
