Lack of Concentration - 5 Minutes Freewrite


What do you want to do? Study? Home cleaning? See a movie? Work on a project? Pray?

Regardless of what most people want to do, they already know that there is a long list of things that can get them distracted from whatever they are doing. This happens non-stop to the point where someone wants to sleep and you know that's what you have to do. Yey, you feel like picking up your phone to see what's happening in the internet world. Haha.

That right there is the power of distraction and we feed into that distraction whenever we develop a lack of concentration in whatever we are doing. I'm not even proud to admit this. But, there have been moments when I'm trying so hard to study and some other stuff hits my mind to steal my attention.

How do you deal with this issue?

That's a question a lot of people need to start asking themselves and they need to do it urgently because I don't imagine anyone would be able to commit to performing efficiently in whatever the person is doing if he/she allows every little thing to get in the way of his/her concentration.

This post is a 5 minutes Freewrite I prepared using the 25th April Prompt of the Freewriting community.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
The Thumbnail Image is mine, taken with my phone camera.


If some of us can actually train our mind to be fully concentrated and focus, we will achieve much more than we can imagine


That's very true. The problem a lot of people face is that there are never focused enough to work on things that are life-changing
