Movie With A Wedding In It —The Twilight Saga


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At the time when this series was released starting with Twilight (2008), most teenagers and young adults were pretty excited. The Twilight Saga is a fantasy/romance series comprising five films. I showed interest when the third instalment, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), was to be released. This series garnered a lot of positive reviews, a high audience especially young adults and is one of the highest-grossing movies for the year of release.

Talking about weddings, this series is one to watch if you are interested in a romance between teenagers who meet in high school, fall in love and get married. What's spectacular about this couple: Bella Swan (played by Kristen Stewart), Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson) and the entire series is that the saga revolves around vampires and werewolves!

I love fantasy whether in motion pictures or books. So you understand why I had to watch this series and I liked it.

The film creators teased viewers with this beautiful, swoony love between two teenagers: one a vampire that's hundreds of years old and the other a human. Their courtship culminated in a picturesque wedding which took place in the fourth instalment, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011).

A Bloodbath Wedding?

It's a gathering of one of the fearsome supernatural creatures who love to drink blood! Shouldn't the guests expect there would be a bloodbath?

Lol, just kidding. There was nothing of such though the bride-to-be had wedding jitters and nightmares through the night, worried that her guest may end up sucked dry and dead by the vampires (including the groom) before the wedding was over. Good thing her dream did not come to pass! The equally fearsome werewolves were also guests at the wedding.

I admire the detailed picturesque wedding scenes and the costumes of the guests. The wedding took place in a forest with lovely green plants and trees gracing the venue. The small stage where the officiating minister stood is decorated with flowers.

I also loved Bella Swan's wedding dress and Edward Cullen looked dapper in his black suit, white shirt and bow tie. In contrast, the guests and couple in the dream scene were all dressed in white, making the blood and red roses stand out.



Who doesn't love a romance movie that ends with a wedding? I do and applaud the director and production team for a good job but it wasn't great. The visual effects of some parts of the movie were wonky, especially where Bella gave birth and in some of the fight scenes. Still, the wedding and honeymoon scenes were interesting and okay.

If you love a mix of fantasy and romance, then you will enjoy watching this series.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Other images (apart from cover image) are screenshots from the movie
Trailer from YouTube


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As a dressmaker and bridal alterations specialist, I looked forward to seeing the dress. Carolina Herrera did a great job designing a gown that was true to the description in the novel.
