A Modernized Adaptation Of Jane Austen's Persuasion (2022)


There are many kinds of love. For some, the right partnership can be a lucrative endeavour. For others, true connection is reward enough. It is okay to find love on your terms, however unorthodox. Don't let anyone tell you how to live, or who to love. I learned the hard way. —Anne Elliot

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When I got to know about Netflix's adaptation of Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion, I was excited but was not expecting a modernized version. I love period dramas, especially English ones and I know Jane Austen fans may not be impressed with this movie. But I am.

For me, this modern adaptation of the classic is like a style of cooking so to speak. There are many varied adaptations of English classics and as such, I like this one and will highlight the favourable parts.

Persuasion (2022) is a romance period drama based on Jane Austen's novel of the same name. It focuses on a young girl who was 'persuaded' by her loved ones not to marry a young man who wanted to be a sailor because he had no rank or fortune. The tide turns when few years later, this young man returns as a captain and an eligible bachelor. Will he look her way again or will he settle for someone else?


Dakota Johnson's performance as Anne Elliot, the heroine of this romance movie is excellent. I enjoyed her interesting monologues which made her character relatable and her witty banters. It's like what everyone does daily —talking to oneself even in the midst of a crowd. It keeps the veiwers' attention on her and her circumstance. Her acting was sympathetic and she conveyed the right emotions in each scene.



One aspect of the movie I commend the film creators for is the use of modern words. It made the plot easy to understand and characters more humane.

If there was another thing I loved about this movie is the scenery and locations. The cinematography is beautiful and picturesque. This is one factor I look forward to when I watch period dramas —a quaint display of the architecture and scenery of the period.

Chemistry Of The Cast

This movie boasts of a good cast with good chemistry except between the main characters which is an important part. I felt the connection that viewers look for between a hero and heroine in a love story was absent between Anne Elliot (played by Dakota Johnson) and Captain Frederick Wentworth (played by Cosmos Jarvis).

Captain Wentworth was too stiff and somewhat uncaring in his mannerism. One may be tempted to ask, "what does Anne see in Wentworth that she pines for him years later?" It would be difficult for an audience to decipher whether he truly loved Anne Elliot or maybe he was merely shy and unsure how to communicate his love to her.

Still, it's a romance! Show us the love! I'm afraid Cosmos Jarvis failed in this regard.


As soon as Williams Elliot (played by Henry Golding) comes into the scene, the movie comes alive. Anne and Williams Elliot displayed better chemistry even though his attentions towards her were dishonest. So much so that I wished Henry Golding was Wentworth instead of Cosmos Jarvis. There was nothing boring about his advances towards Anne.

Overall, I enjoyed this movie. Modern adaptations or not, the creators and cast did brilliantly. It's worth a watch, even if just once and I'll rate it 3.9 stars out of 5 simply because of Cosmos Jarvis' acting.

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Source: Fair use
Other images are screenshots from the movie

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I'm definitely gonna go check this one out. I love Anything romantic. Lol.

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I love romance movies too! 😄 Yes, watch this one. You'll like it and maybe feel differently about the main characters' chemistry. Thanks dear for your visit. 😊 !LUV

0E-8 BEE

I'll definitely watch it. I'm glad you shared🥰.

Thanks for the luv.

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Hello. Thanks for the review of this firm. Perhaps the Captain was stern in his manner due to the fact that she shunned him years before listening to her family. Now, he's trying to hold back and not allow himself to show his true feelings. This would coincide with other period romances between different caste individuals.

Thanks for sharing.


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I loved the fact that my Anna from fifty shades was the main character that’s what drew me in first

And then the movie was a lovely watch too

Very apt review

0E-8 BEE

Oh, I didn't know Henry Golding was in the cast. Uh-huh.

Let me get to this movie 😁

0E-8 BEE

I think I'm beginning to fall for Dakota Johnson. The way she portrays emotions in her movies are a spectacle. I agree that Wentworth was stiff and seemed uninteresting perhaps because he was fighting the emotions he felt for Anne, and not allow it to consume him.

And the humor of her narcissistic sister was a kinda relief.

Not really a spectacular movie, but just an enjoyable one with all the ingredients of a Jane Austen novel except poetic dialogues.

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