You Didn't Buy BTC at $13, Boohoo!

I once taught at a small high school in my neighborhood. I knew I was probably underpaid because I worked far more than I was paid. However, I looked at other job opportunities; if the job owners were owing their employees for many months and/or they were underpaid like me, why not stick with the lesser evil and be assured of receiving consistent wages.

I discovered that the job market in that neighborhood was like that: you could either choose to be underpaid or remain unemployed; another option was to upgrade your degree and move to a larger environment, but you would have to pay more rent and money.

Consider another scenario.

I am an avid small-time Splinterlands player. Throughout the season, I am constantly playing against people with the same rating as me. However, having the same rating as me does not imply that they do not have better assets, cards, or skins for the game. Most times, I play against people I have better strategies than, but they end up winning because they just have max level summoners and cards with superior abilities.

We both had equal opportunities to win, but they had a better chance because of the increased competitiveness they brought to the game.

Another scenario.

When I was renting an apartment, I had the option of paying for a much better apartment in the same house, but I did not have the money, so I chose what I thought was cheaper. As a result, I received second-hand treatment; the appliances in the house were not of the highest quality, the location of the apartment was not ideal, and I did not have as many amenities as I would have liked, but I accepted the place because it was the best my money could buy me.

Someone else went ahead and paid for the apartment I could not afford, as well as all of the a-list super amenities, such as better cabinets, painting, and lighting. The house owners did not even pay attention to my apartment like they did this one, and I felt cheated because, even if we both had the opportunity to get something better, I still lost out.

Another scenario.

When I was younger, I had equal opportunities as many of my peers, even if I was not as healthy, but due to family dysfunction, my brother (now deceased) and I did not have as many opportunities as other young children. We found ourselves in places we should not have been, moving houses and staying with strangers. It was similar to transitioning from one foster care facility to another, and it was probably an experience I would not want anyone else to go through.

There are a lot of similarities between these scenarios.

We are all in different positions to be lucky or unlucky. It could be a bad gene you inherited, unfavorable life circumstances, debt from loved ones, or the struggle to compete in a world with people who have more means, advantages, or opportunities. Life is unfair, and there is nothing you can do to change it other than try to control what you can and hope that the things you can not do not hurt you.

Sometimes we are left with only the necessary evil. You cannot be neutral in the face of all the bad choices in life. It is either you pick one and begin managing the consequences, or it is lights out for you.

You did not buy BTC at 13$, also did not come to Hive when it was Steem, you did not buy Ethereum at $100, you followed a whale who did not upvote you, and, of course, you invested in a meme coin, which they rugpulled. Oh, you wrote a better post than someone who received $50, while you received only $1. You grumbled, but they are not better than you or any prettier than you appear. Boohoo! Nobody cares. What are you going to do about it?

I believe that life is set to reward those who are better positioned

In Nigeria, while you complain about not being able to afford a commodity, another person is willing to double the amount you can not afford. So, where did they get their money? Oh, they must be bank robbers or criminals. How can they afford that ridiculous amount? You must be thinking aloud.

While you compete in life from afar, there are people who do not have to move a muscle to obtain what you are running a marathon race for. Sometimes life naturally places you below the rift, setting you up for failure. Failing at that point would not be entirely your fault, but it is simply too complicated to understand. Life does not care, and no one does. Your story may be sad, but no empathy will be directed toward you.

You could talk about it, and no one should control how you feel; it is important to find ways to mentally cope with life's extremes, especially since we can not control everything.

Interested in some more of my works

Is it Easy To Make Money?
Nigeria: A Unique Business Market & Industry
Virtual Bank Apps In Nigeria: An Experience Of Gamification
How To Find The Next "BIG" Meme Coin
Personal Finance: Achieving Intentional "Saving" Goals
Playing The Survival Game: Human Nature In Introspection
"Un-PAYING" The Debt You Owe


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


One you have made a solid point my good friend stating so many scenarios leading to one thing.. Indeed life is not and will never actually be fair.... Some have more advantage by default than the end of the they we don't only get because we fought sometimes it really is how we are positioned.. this is classical man


Thanks, yes, at the end of the day, different positions, circumstances, opportunities and even unfairness with different folks and different people


Thanks for sharing such a great blog good friend.. hoping for the best in your life.. so sorry about your deceased sibling.... 🙏


This life for us.
I can't count how many time I've seen myself in comparison state, comparing my high quality article to someone's which earned my full month's salary while mine ended with $0.3😂

It's just life for us. It's not the same for everyone, some are chopping life while some are having it as bitterleaf in their mouth.


In my own experience in this chain, there's really nothing like high quality, what we have is different people with different opportunities to do better then others as life is subjective and what we deem quality might not be the same for others.


Yeah, it's true sha.
Different views from different angles...what interests someone might be blurry to another


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For example, a friend of mine has been complaining that she needs to start up a POS business and she’d be needing 200k for it while I changed my phone yesterday for 395k
Different people, different problems


395k wow, big doings! What can I say, different people with different needs, opportunities and diversities too.


Once you accept that life is far from fair it makes it much easier. I have cousins who's father was a billionaire and now they are since his passing. Is it fair that they are rich just because they were born into that family? No, but that's life. I agree with you, the sooner you stop complaining the sooner you can try to change things.

We both were dealt some nasty health challenges, but we keep going because it's the only choice there is... How are you holding up?


Being a recipient of some outrageous money can be really crazy. I know people who were born into such family. At one time one of my aunt would make comparisons, but I was always quick to remind her that we came from nothing.
I've only truly complained about my brother's death, it was probably the only thing that have ever hurt me and made me unstable.
I've carried my nasty chronic health challenges along the way like a champion and many people here once thought I was a king in one Island until they started to know of my health challenges. Infact, I think I've even lost potential love relationships back then because of it, but what can we do, other than to find ways to live with it?

How are you holding up?

I'm here, tomorrow makes it 8 months I lost my brother, it hurts like hell, and I mostly don't think he or me deserved it, and it's totally marred my reality.


You can't change the past. I think it's best to just learn from your mistakes and move on. After all, there are plenty of opportunities out there.


Such an interesting aspect of life, the indifference that life can have towards us is disheartening sometimes. I think this emotionless aspect of it is a good reminder to not take life too seriously, things will keep on changing, for good or bad and the most we can do is to keep finding ways to move forward with it.
