Causality In The Nigerian Economic/Financial & Political System (Part 2)


Of course, We might blame the people in power for not seeing through all these, but what we fail to understand is that these people are economically unintelligent to lead or address the crises in the nation especially because the people who voted for them were not even informed enough to make the right decisions.

Originally, the system of government is designed to create a populace that can transfer power and delegate functionalities to the people who have been chosen to lead in a representative government. But these people are not representing or leading, they've transcended from being chosen leaders to being established rulers, changing the system immediately after they're elected while using their power and the resources at their behest to establish themselves financially.

Irrespective of this obvious phenomenon

.....these same people are still being recycled, repackaged, and rebranded for the people, to vote them in again. Now people can see through this charade, at least 30 to 40% of the populace can see this, but the remaining 60 to 70% might not because of ignorance, illiteracy, bribery, corruption, or even manipulation.

How they manage to achieve this is by eliminating every competition and potential by blocking the chances of better people who might come into power and change governance for good. People who are meant and qualified for governance are often censored. This is because the old system abhors change.

People who are enlightened and educated understand this

......but even part of these people are now being controlled using the party system, religion as well as tribal sentiments. The central bank of Nigeria for example is in its worst performance since it was established in the military era, but people are not seeing that the problem stems from the ineptitude of the existing government.

For example, the Nigerian government disbursed billions of naira for the redesigning of new currencies, but the central bank as an economic and financial establishment has failed in its duties, by enacting so many failed monetary policies.

The logical thing is to dissolve the heads and employ different hands

.....but the government that brought the system leaders into place is probably one of the most ineffective governments in the history of Nigeria. In reality, the Gulf in class in people are just so big, some people still allow tribal sentiment influence their choice of personnel to change government.

In the history of Nigeria, power is threatening to change hands and this is because a large number of the populace are beginning to see through the charade. This is because the threat of extinction that threatens Survival is why people are beginning to ditch their ignorance to see if they can enact change that can remove incompetent Competition in governance.


Exposure To Information & Knowledge

This only explains that the right way to keep people in ignorance and control them is to give them just the right amount of information and expose them to minimal resources and survival. But these politicians have not done this.

They've completely taken away people's accessibility to resources that ensure a minimal level of survival through constant embezzlement of public funds, due to this, even people who were once ignorant are now seeking the right knowledge to ensure they forestall change in the next election that might forestall the right kind of change. However, this doesn't mean that the whole populace will change.

There are still people whose choices will be influenced by the gimmicks of personnel in power,especially those in abject poverty, and will do anything for anyone who puts food on their table, whether they realize it's these same people who put them in that position in the first place

I believe poverty creates causality

.....which establishes manipulation and gullibility. If people are taken out of poverty in Nigeria, it'll change the way they act or behave, and their political beliefs, while establishing a certain kind of change in their choices of government.

However, people Cannot be taken out of poverty and this is because they're inside a system created to maintain a certain level of poverty that would ensure they remained controlled forever. This means that irrespective of financial status, people should seek permanent change, rather than waiting for them to be firstly financially empowered or sentimentally freed before they can enact change.

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Money: The Consequences Of Making The Right & Wrong Decisions
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The Experiential Process of Understanding Money
A Case Of Theft On Hive: Here's Why Some People Choose Scam.


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0.32197011 BEE

these same people are still being recycled, repackaged, and rebranded for the people, to vote them in again.

The recycling has been ongoing with no meaningful result. Only if the masses can see this and do the needful, we will remain in one spot and keep rotating. These people have a way of deceiving the poor through the peanut they gift them just to secure the seat for their selfish reasons. The problem we are already swimming into will get worst if power doesn't change hands. Till den, my knees will remain on the ground for my country 👏

0.00066168 BEE

One of the reasons why I do not pity this country is that the citizens refused to be enlightened. When you look at other African countries that started out on this journey with Nigeria you will discover that these people have become more advanced in all aspect of life more than Nigeria. It's just like people will choose their own stomach or choose their own family over the millions of family that will suffer in the country with their choices and greed. People need to educate themselves and be selfless and reason this country up. It's getting crazier.

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0E-8 BEE

Great write-up, the entire world system is designed to keep people controlled; from politics, religion and even the school system. They teach you how to get employed so you can keep paying taxes to the government. Politicians in Africa love poor/uneducated people as they are easy to control with small handouts, meanwhile they reap millions of cash.
Anyways, I see bitcoin/crypto as a way to bypass the system or jump out of the matrix we are spinning in. Thank you for sharing and keep enjoying your week :}

0.00066168 BEE

Thanks for the comment. I have never stepped out of my country and sometimes I think the level of Control in this place is mind-blowing. The people in power are doing all they can to keep people in abject poverty. A country with flourishing and well-to-do people/citizens will be enlightened.

In fact our government have banned crypto trading through the commercial banks and this ban is yet to be lifted, it's all part of their scheme.

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0E-8 BEE

The good thing is that bitcoin and other decentralized cryptos like hive cannot be controlled by governments or central banks. This is where power shifts to savvy individuals that are woke and see clearly what the govt is doing.
In Africa, according to google, Nigeria is leading in searches for crypto and bitcoin. That means people are slowly waking up to fiat and how it is used to control them. Change is coming :}

0E-8 BEE

You are right.
The system has always been controlled by people in higher power and it will always be.

Poverty and the fear of death is a heavy factor that influences the way we think, and those in power will always use these against the masses.

Only if we adopt the proper fear and the desire to do what's right no matter what, then we will be able to overcome any form of manipulation.

Let's us focus on changing ourselves, maybe the world will follow our steps.

0.00056100 BEE

Poverty is a major tool deployed by politicians. If people become free and liberated, how will they remain gullible to politicians. It's a phenomenon in developing African countries.

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0E-8 BEE

When people are too busy trying to survive and there isn't much free time for them to think about other things, they just live their own lives without thinking about the system. It's a bad part of society but I guess they want to make sure people are too busy to learn or even think about other things.

I also agree that the bad leaders should be replaced with good leaders but reality tends to be different.

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0.00055066 BEE

The system is an integral aspect of survival if you ask me. So not thinking about it is like wanting to continue in that survival mode. I believe that if the system is sound, people wouldn't need to strive too much.

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0E-8 BEE

For some reason a whole lot could f People prefer to take bribery and allow the corrupt leaders go ahead and destroy the future of this country. But the few who have realised and what a change are still be cajoled by the once who are acting according to the benefits they achieve from the corrupt people they serve

0E-8 BEE

Poverty is the major tool developed by our politicians and to be fair we have some people that have not seen 10k for like a year but during the time of election they offer them this and they take it because they know our country is very poor. When you control the money in Africa you control the masses.

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0E-8 BEE

This is absolutely true, when you control the money you control the masses. But I do not know when people like this will begin to understand that this morning is there getting would not even pay for the four to eight years they are going to suffer bad governance

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0E-8 BEE

If the remaining 60% of people can really see through those people in power for who they really are and their through intentions, I don't think we would continue with this same mistakes over again. But bribery and corruption has blinded the citizen's eyes .

This got me thinking vehemently, why is that the New redesigned naira note of which they said 30million worth of those new notes are being distributed by the CBN to different commercial banks on a daily basis meaning, enough new new notes were produced and are made available already, but why is it not circulating rapidly? Who are they keeping the money for? Have you thought of that?

You know, if you ask me, the leaders aren't really the issue, the citizens are somehow responsible for their problems.

0E-8 BEE