RE: War and Historical Drama in Movies!

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Interesting post, a touch of information that gets passed on like movies to the masses.

In a way war is a fact whose true horrors could not be captured on a screen. The bloody battles, the deaths of soldiers and civilians, the tortures and many other things.

The cinema partly shows us the glory of the victor but little is told about the consequences and in anti-war films it is perhaps not enough to know what an armed conflict means for a country and its population.

I am not a person who likes war in real life, however, I like to see in movies, historical or fictional, war always has something that attracts, perhaps it is part of our nature.

I have not seen those movies from the 80's, Saving Private Ryan is one of the great classics of war movies.


No body likes war, but we can't change history. Only learn from past and move ahead. There are amazing war movies, sharing past glory and heroic deeds of soldiers. Good to hear from you, Have a good day 😊🙏 !PIZZA
