RE: My Love for Music: Finding Focus in These Tunes

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I read you and I am sure you are on the right track. Taking refuge in music is like taking refuge in God, there are all the answers, we just have to be attentive. How nice that you enjoy it so much and also this that you have written that is born from the inspiration that music gives you, just like the name of this community ❤️

I see that you are practically new in Hive, I would like to advise you to use your own images, so that nobody accuses you of plagiarism. If you are going to use images that are already on the web, you can make reference to the site you borrowed them from, by sharing the link below them. Citing sources is the correct way to share them. Nice to meet you, happy day!...


Yeap. That is why I posted in this community. Thank you.

Thank you for pointing that out. I used them from a free website but forgot to reference them. I have done that now.
