RE: ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #105 How Do You Beat The Heat?

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Kids love playing in the water like my baby who cries if I take her out of the water especially this hot season.

Last two months ago, I had hives on my skin. I had rashes and it was itchy. I was really scared. I’m glad it doesn’t come back. It was the effect of depo porvera. I will never be injected again because of the bad side effect. It’s stressing to feel something different in your body especially when you see rashes on your skin. I wish that their psoriasis will go away so they could still work. My friend has it but she’s right now a single mom and working. Yet, she works on and off because of her situation. Anyhow, they can live a normal life but with maintenance. I wish that there are no diseases in the world.


I wish that there are no diseases in the world.

That's all we wanted to happen but Christ our savior is always there to heal our wounds. I hope your really fine. Kids really love water 💦 they feel the comfort. Thank you so much for dropping by @iamshane48788
