RE: The Capricorn, Engraved in the Ageless Wisdom of Saturn

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😊 This is an awesome reply, thank you for your compliments. I didn't know that creating art is a Capricorn skill, I did know about perfectionism as that is driving me crazy often enough.


You know BTC is capricorn :D
And BTC is changing the world because the limits and structures are necessary to push forward change.
Perfectionism revealed in a happy obtained goal is a great thing.

perfectionism ( seens as negative ) is a wrong term to speak of negative entanglement of the mind when a person fixes his mind on a goal that absorbs his vital energy( a goal that is going nowhere )
and who shows a neurological problem ...then he uses the mimicry of perfectionism.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a mental condition characterized by a pervasive preoccupation with order and control (with no room for flexibility or efficiency) that ultimately interferes with the accomplishment of a task, it can include RAYNAUD decease and is the sign of first stage Alzheimer. All caused by heavy metals in colon and right brain.

perfectionism in itself is what creates the beautiful things in this world. that's a quality...otherwise we would be served a cold dish in a restaurant or a dirty bed in a hotel. Perfectionism is VALUE and giving value to oneself and others.
And you are proving it right there in your master piece.
A candy for the eyes 🌹
