Beer Saturday on Mountain Time


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I would have been completely satisfied working in the garden this #beersaturday and then taking a long nap until sometime around 5 o'clock. At which time, given my strenuous day I would have enjoyed a nice cold beer.

That was my plan when I woke up. The Mrs. @handofzara let me know she had other plans.

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Easy there cowboy, I will get to it but here is a little something to wet your whistle.


Yea, the good news is this is how my day is ending but it was not certainly how it began.

Now it began with me planning on a lazy nap filled Saturday followed by nice cold beer!

Well this story has a happy ending as I am now enjoying a nice cold beer.

However, my long nap and lazy Saturday got scratched off the agenda by the Mrs. @handofzara who had other plans.

Her plan, replace the entire nap thing, get off my lazy butt and go on a hike in the mountains.

Despite my protests, I found myself mumbling behind the steering wheel driving to the mountains.

When we arrived and began hiking there was a fork in the trail, the trail to the left was a short 1 mile flat hike down by a creek and the trail to the right was 5 miles long to the top of the mountain and back again.

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The Mrs. @handofzara laughed and took this photo as I voted to go to the left.

Yea so we ended up going to the right. Up and up we climbed along switchback after switchback until we reached the summit.

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And then guess what. We hiked down the mountain, along switchback after switchback until, three hours after we started, its was time to head home where I definitely am taking a nap.

Along the way home I stopped to buy some beer for my after nap enjoyment.

Notice how I snuck my original plan back into action albeit delayed but never forgotten.

While I was perusing the beer selection, fate struck!

Some might call this divine intervention.

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Well after my forced march over the mountain and back again, I had to have a suitable beer to finish the day, after my nap of course, as I am no longer a "spring chicken".


BEER NAME: Mountain Time
STYLE: Lager
ABV: 4.4%
BREWER: New Belgium, Asheville NC and Fort Collins CO
APPEARANCE: straw gold, clear and pours with a medium head
AROMA: malts
TASTE: well balanced malts to hops and a slight bitterness
MOUTHFEEL: light body, good carbonation, with a crisp clean finish

A great beer and an excellent way to finish a great day. Yea I said it, that Mrs. @handofzara may be full of surprises but she is fun to have around.

Almost as fun as this beer I am drinking, but I would never tell her that, she might get a big head about that stuff and the next thing you know I am camping in the Wilderness with no way to have beer unless I pack it in myself! :)


I have a #beersaturday tradition of asking a trivia question. The first person to answer correctly in the COMMENTS wins a BEER TOKEN.

The United States is divided into several TIME ZONES.

QUESTION: If it is 5 o'clock in North Carolina, what TIME is it in the MOUNTAIN Standard Time zone?

Good luck and I will see y'all next #beersaturday.

God willing and the Mrs. @handofzara doesn't kill me!


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Nice beer, looks tasty! That looks like a great hike, although the nice lazy nap would have been nice.


When one goes to such a place, there are mountains and there are green trees, the scenery looks very beautiful and one feels happy and enjoy your drink.


Awesome adventure my friend, I'm glad you made it back for some mountain time lager!!😀


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If we have 5 o'clock in North Carolina

It is time for a beer even at MOUNTAIN Standard Time or beer’o’clock
