The Family Life - Chapter I - The shoes delivery


In the street where we live there are different houses. Houses of all sizes and families with different wealthy statuses. Near the end of the street, there is a big house where a wealthy family called the Rosebunds. They have only one daughter, Joan, in her 18 years old.
That spot of the street is empty, with not many cars passing by, so I am used to playing with Rahel a lot in front of their house.
One day playing there, we saw a young boy, the same age as Joan probably, arriving at their house with a small box.
Joan opened the boxed and complained to the guy.
" These shoes aren't the same that I saw in the store. The toe tip is rounded and not pointed, who would wear a rounded toe tip? I won't accept this shoe"
The delivery guy looked stunned and said - " So sorry Miss, I didn't know that you asked for another pair, they just gave me this one to bring it."
" There is no excuse. Now go away with these terrible shoes."- said Joan.
The young boy had just left their home and Joan slammed the door.

Rahel looked at me and said-" How rude was that lady. People shouldn't be rude to others like that".

After 30 minutes, we saw the same guy arriving again at the Rosebund's house, with the box again.
Joan opened the door and said-"Let's see if everything is fine now".
She opened the box, the poor guy was waiting for her, smiling. And then she reacted.
"Well, this is the pair that I wanted, but you see in here? There is a scratch in the outer sole"-said Joan.
"But Miss... when you wear them, you won't see it since it will be in contact with the ground." - said the delivery guy.
"I don't care, because I will know that this scratch exists. Was it you that scratched these shoes by purpose?" - asked Joan.
"No, I didn't. I just brought the box closed for you from the store"- said the stunned delivery guy.
" Well, I will call the store owner and complain about you. It is impossible to believe that a normal person could bring the shoes in this condition"-said Joan.
"Please don't do that, they won't pay my salary if you do that"-said the poor delivery guy.
" GO AWAY NOW" - screamed Joan.
The delivery guy left the house crying.
After closing the door, we saw a big argument occurring at the Rosebud house between Joan and her mom, but we couldn't listen.

After 1 month of that, somebody knocked at our door. It was Joan with a bottle of milk.
"Hey, Sir do you want to buy a bottle of milk? It is just 1 Mark." -offered Joan.
"So sorry dear, we don't need milk dear, why are you selling milk anyway? First job?"- I questioned.
"My mom is forcing me to work in order to pay for the shoes that I wanted to buy. She said that I need to learn how difficult is to work. She also added that I need to be kind to others that are getting sweat to get their money."- said Joan
"Now I understand, since if I don't sell 10 bottles of milk, my employer doesn't pay me, so please, if you don't mind, can you buy just one bottle to help me achieve my goal?"- completed Joan.
At that moment, Rahel just stepped by me and whispered: "That I guess she learned that she can't be rude anymore, let's buy the bottle to be kind."

So I bought the bottle, and Joan thanked me a lot.
I guess at this moment I noticed that Rahel is getting big and she is becoming a person with a nice justice sense with a global and total understanding of how a person should be feeling in a moment that sometimes by our mistake, we are thinking in something else.
She noticed that the delivery guy was being hurt, mostly attacked by a problem that wasn't his. And also, she noticed that Joan needed our help to get the milk bottles sold, even when our milk stock was full.


Sometimes put the others in a bad situation is the best way to teach something that in other way the won´t learn properly


Joan has indeed learned a very important lesson about valuing the efforts of others. Had she been treated the same as she treated others, she would have deserved it, but this story is even more beautiful because Rahel chooses to show kindness to Joan instead.


t would have been so easy to make trivial complaints about the milk to 'even the score' for the delivery guy. It was heartwarming that they didn't and recognised that Joan had learned something. Nice
