RE: Mingtombs Museum: Jadestones was everywhere in ancient China!

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In Islam, the concept of GOD is totally different, we call Him by many names, but 'Allah' is most of the time we call our God, and we don't know much about Him, only that portion He tells us about Him in the Quran and Hadith from our prophet (PBUH), and it is strictly prohibited to add something new or making the concept mixing with other religious Gods' perception. Allah is unique and one from all perspectives, and He has no son or daughter. So, the concept of a Dragon has no place in Islam, there is no difference between a king or the common man or a beggar, all are the same in the eye of Islam, just a creation of Allah as a human. And, everyone is liable for his or her actions, everyone will be asked for his deeds, no nepotism regarding your colors, family status, assets, beauty, ethnicity, or anything, that we use now for classifications.

Yeah, Hassan! I agree with you!
I believe 'Allah' is the Islamic name for Yahweh.

We have been ruled by the British for around 200 years, I have little knowledge regarding our Kings, but they never introduced themselves as God's son or some supernatural as around 1000 AD, we were ruled by the Muslim emperor, but before that may some Gods' related stories can be found with some Hindu Kings, which I don't know as I have never read the history of that period. Most of the time I read after 1000/1100 AD.

I was surprised to learn that there was no king from the Indian subcontinent who ruled the entire region of Bengal.😯

The Mughal Empire

East Asians like me think that the Mughal Empire ruled the entire Indian subcontinent.

Thank you for kind ansewer!😃


East Asians like me think that the Mughal Empire ruled the entire Indian subcontinent.

Yeah, the Mughal emperors were the rulers but they appointed many Nawab in Bengal, and many kings were also with smaller territories who were governed by the emperor, so the relation here not just like the king and his people, the kings or Nawab were secondary level ruler, so our people get less tortured than other kingdoms around the world. Also, later in British ruling period, we had another mechanism known as "landlords" who used to collect the taxes from crops as the general people had no ownership on the land. We get our ownership to our land after 1948!
