RE: The difference between tolerance, acceptance and celebration

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However the results of transitioning can make you sterile and a medical care case for the rest of your life. There are many who regret it and celebrating this fundamental life change without hearing the voices of those with negative experience is not surprising when you look at the mainstream media as a whole, but it is very dangerous in my opinion.

You share many of the same thoughts that I do. I believe someone who isn't old enough to drink/drive/vote because they are deemed not mature enough shouldn't be able to make the decision to chop off some body parts, especially with how society is today. I heard horror stories about how the Trans community will turn all hell on people who detransition. Hell there's even a movement called LGB without the T because they see that movement as so damaging.

When it comes to "health saving care" that's all bullshit. Anyone who is Trans has a mental illness. This isn't me being a dick but it's the truth. The Trans community will claim that it's life saving because people are killing themselves, when the suicide rate in Post-op, and pre-op trans people are almost identical. The problem is that transitioning is being presented as this fix all.

I do think that there are a small amount of people who would actually benefit from this, but I mean just leave kids the hell alone. What an adult wants to do with their body is up to them.
