My 2022 HIVE Progress & Hivestats-Tool



In today’s article I want to talk about how my 2022 Hive-Goals are going. I will talk about what milestones I hit and which are to come. Furthermore, I want to introduce a tool that recently got a remodeling. The tool I am talking about is Hivestats and I will talk about my favorite features and try to explain how these features are helping me to keep me on track for my Goals on Hive! If you have never heard of Hivestats visit the following link and type in your user name and you will find everything that you desire! ->

My Hive-Goals

Before we jump into the tool I want to tell my Hive-Story so far. In October 2021 I started my journey on this platform. I started of with a few blogs per week as I am generally a very curios person and wanted to try myself. It took me a view weeks before I figured out the system, but after that I started posting consistently and with a lot of passion. Since mid-November I started to post almost every day and this consistency is starting to pay off. My first 2022 goals was it to hit 200 HP as soon as possible and I have to say that I was able to achieve this goal sometime around last week. With this being said, my next goal is to hit the 500 HP mark. I am aware that this is a little bit of a stretch but this year is only 2 months old and many thinks can happen in this time. I must also admit that I traded my earned HBD against more HP to boost my HP score, but I think this is a natural source if the HIVE price is undergoing a bit of a dip. All in all, I am very excited to be part of this community and share my stories and thoughts on this platform. To keep me on track and see how far I have come the tool that I mentioned in the intro is the perfect help. In the next section we will talk about some of my favorite features of Hivestats.


The first thing that jumps right into your eye when you are visiting your own Hivestats page is the Vote Value Cursor. This thing is the most helpful feature that I was missing in any other kind of application. The name gives it away, as it shows you how much your vote is worth. Currently my vote is only worth 0.01$ but with my goals in mind, I am hoping to increase this number as quickly as possible. What’s more, this feature shows you how much your vote is worth when you are not at 100% Voting power. For me it is still 0.01$ at around 60% but for other people this will change drastically as they will have a bigger number to play around. Like I said, my next small step is to be able to have a vote value of 2 cents and just increase the value from month to month.


Received Rewards

Another helpful feature is the Received Rewards board. You can find it right next to the Vote Value cursor and it basically shows you how much you got rewarded over the past 7 days, the last month and your all-time earnings. Not only that but it also shows you the individual days from the past week. In this panel you will find any data that you wish for in regard to earnings tracking. In my opinion it is very clearly arranged and gives you a perfect overview. As you can see for myself, my biggest portion are my author rewards. As my HIVE Power grows bigger I am hoping to be able to contribute more over my Curations. The best indicator is that over the past 7 days I made 20% of my All-Time Curations which is very motivating for me.



Next up we have Analytics. This is a great way to see your account growth visually. You can decide to see your account growth between 7 days or 30 days. In the example picture I chose the 30 days one to showcase how far I was able to develop this account. Furthermore, you will have an additional indicator how much your author rewards and curation rewards were. As we can see in the left graph my HP started to boost up when I decided to power up about 45 of my HBD into HIVE. This was around the time when HIVE experienced a slight dip and I wanted to take the opportunity and boost up my HP as I very much believe in this project. The yellow bar shows that I powered UP 45 HP around this time and the second yellow bar indicates that I did around 15 HP yesterday, so perfect timing! The green bars show you the daily rewards. As you can see I have been pretty consistent since the beginning of the year. The empty space in the beginning is due to the Christmas break which I think a lot of people enjoyed. Furthermore, you can see that the red line is growing from day to day. This line is the Account HP.


Hive -Engine Tokens

The last feature I want to mention is the overview of the Hive-Engine Tokens. As I am trying to be active in several parts of HIVE this Overview can give you a good snapshot of where your coins are and how much of them you have. For myself it is always nice to know what my Leo and SPT tokens are doing. Additionally, I am playing a lot of Splinterlands lately which is why I have so many DEC tokens in my Wallet. Until now I always had to go on a separate site to see my tokens but now that everything is in one place I can definitely save some time!


Honorable Mentions & Conclusion

Some honorable mentions are the pending author and curation reward. This feature is a sweet nice to have to see how much rewards you are about to get over the next week from your written articles and some of your curations. This gives you the option to plan ahead and maybe take a day off or to write more articles. All in all, I am very happy that this tool exists and I want to thank the @leofinance team that they put the hard work and effort into this tool and making it so user-friendly. This will definitely be a website that I will use to track my development and work out new or better strategies to achieve my HIVE Goals. Thank you!

Published by ga38jem on
On 12th February 2022

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I love people setting goals.
Keep up the good work and you'll see 500 HP soon enough


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