Early Weekend

Empezando el fin de semana como mas nos gusta, con skate!!

Saludos hermanos del SkateHive!

Ayer viernes en compañía de @yordinflores23 salimos al spot de canaima a jugarnos un s.k.a.t e , aunque tenemos dias sin salir a patinar debido a las lluvias ayer pudimos practicar un poco.

Éstas instalaciones son buenas para la práctica del skate, solo que el espacio es utilizado para distintas actividades pero afortunadamente no cuento con el apoyo del grupo del concejo municipal ya que yo soy parte del mismo 🕶️.

Without much to say I leave you the video and some tricks:




Yesterday Friday in company of yordinflores23 we went out to the spot of canaima to play a s.k.a.t e , although we have days without going out to skate due to the rains yesterday we were able to practice a little.

These facilities are good for skateboarding, only that the space is used for different activities but fortunately I do not have the support of the municipal council group since I am part of the same 🕶️.

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