Explaining $HBD to a Child

Once upon a time, in a land filled with numbers and calculations, there was a group of friends who loved to count and add. They were always curious to see how much they could earn with their savings. One day, they heard about a special update called the 20% HBD Update. They were so excited!

The friends gathered around their favorite tree and started making calculations. They used their magical calculators that could add numbers in the blink of an eye. As they added, subtracted, and multiplied, their faces lit up with joy. They couldn't wait to see how much they could earn!


To express their happiness, they found the most delightful GIFs on the Internets. There was a dancing bunny, a little boy holding a calculator, and even a monkey who loved to count. The GIFs were like little stories that made everyone smile.

But among all the GIFs, there was one that stood out. It was a horse sitting at a desk, using a calculator to do taxes and bills.


The friends couldn't help but giggle at the silly image. It reminded them that laughter is the best medicine.

As they shared their excitement with each other, one friend named Epic-Fail said something important. "Laughter is the best medicine and farting is funny, so fart more!" Everyone burst into laughter, knowing that Epic-Fail was right.

From that day on, the friends learned an important lesson. They realized that it's not just about the numbers and calculations, but about finding joy in the little things. They understood that laughter and happiness can make any situation better.


And so, the friends continued their adventures in the land of numbers, always remembering to laugh and find joy in everything they do. Because as they learned, sometimes the best reward isn't the numbers on a calculator, but the laughter in their hearts.

