
“My worship is my weapon, this is how I win my battle”

This extract from the lyrics of Dunsin Oyekan One of Nigeria’s finest gospel musician reminds me a lot about Why I should worship more, literally but because of the battles or anything but because of the knowing more of God

Just yesterday I watched a podcast were a student asked her teacher a tough question and she asked WHY DO WE PRAY

”If God is all knowing then why do we pray, if God knew that you’re not that smart and you truly need him to succeed, to pass that exam, to get that job, to keep your mom on the sick bed alive, to save you from that unfortunate incident that shattered your whole dream and plans for life from happening ...why didn’t he just stop all this from happening”

The teachers response was God is not a magician if we peradventure get all we need form life sorted out then there won’t be a need for God, God created man and left a vacuum in man that only him can fill

There are tens and thousands of questions left unanswered, deeps secrets laid in our hearts that we can not open up to mortal men, but pour out our hearts in the place of prayer to our creator who only him alone truly lies our frame and understands our feeble been him alone holds the ultimate answer to this questions,

The teacher further explains the fact that prayer is an act of Knowing God, I mean it’s communicating with God, we should pray not because we need these things and more but because we need to know him more, cause he’s our creator and a lot more

I’m someone who loves the atmosphere of worship cause that’s when I am me, that’s when I get to connect to the heavenlies that’s when I began to adore and reverend this God who has made all things possible and beautiful in its time, who has perfectly, wonderfully amazingly created me and made me who I am, I really love the act of worship, I can go for hours and not understand what’s going on around me, that’s my “WARSHIP”

I feel more connected to God During worship, left for me every House of God should hold three things so dear **Worship, Praise & The Word, if these three are in sync prayer is a natural flow and God will be more pleased
There’s a saying that prayer moves heaven but praises moved God telling you the importance of praise and worship whenever you from the depth of your heart pour out your gratitude, mumbling to words that humans could not understand but deep down they reveal mysteries express feeling of thanksgiving, joy, gratitude, love, reverence for This God who is Worthy to receive Glory and honor and adoration and praise for all he has and is about to do such moments moves God to act in a Dangerous ways you could not expect


