ILL GOTTEN WEALTH IS TEMPORARY : Consistency will built trans generational wealth


Yesterday I was at the oil mill factory and during working hours one of the boy asked me a question about I’ll-gotten Wealth that he has seen some persons who testify about it, and they’re super rich, he says someone reached out to him about it on social media, that no ritual is required or any of those dark magic means of getting rich, I just looked at him shook my head, I told him that I’ll gotten wealth is just temporary it doesn’t last, what transpired there is all the wealth you’re suppose to make in life will be gathered to you once for you to enjoy then after that what is there to live for anymore because there was an exchange of value (destiny) for wealth

In Africa some times dark magic is used to generate wealth through diabolical means, with demands that are outrageous but still many of our young guys and old men prefer to be miss guided to venture into this wrong ways of creating wealth instead of brooding on whatever their hands find to do but the reality of these is they don’t last short changing their lives for just a temporal wealth is beyond the human sense of reasoning, temporal pleasure is all there is to gain.

True wealth is built upon consistent engagement on a particular thing for instance hive has been striving since the hard fork was a huge success and there are those that have been a part of this project since day one building their wealth from ground zero, everyday consistent on the blockchain building their reputation around blog post, comments, replies and quality engagement on others post, there are dozens of persons like this who believe on this vision and venture into it with their time, energy, monetary resources and today they’re high fliers

I have been trying to onboard some newbie to the blockchain and have them stick around through consistent engagement with is the only way to grow your reputation here except one has some tokens to buy and power up which gives a good level of a head-start, there is no other easy way out but to build on this true fact

These is a known fact to grow something of true value really takes time it’s not magic or a one time thing perfection is gained through mastery and mastery is gained in the place of consistently engaging interacting staying on that particular thing for a long period of time to bond and get aquatinted with the proper understanding of how it all works but no, in our generation today everything is happening so fast of course thanks to science and technology that is making the jet age possible and the invention of AI people no longer have to spend a second deliberating on the possible way out

Upcoming entrepreneurs have totally lost the staying power to be consistent in creating wealth, probably after one or two years they’d lost the spark to ignite their vision, lost drive, enthusiasm and the will power to move on, but then again we so admire the rich and the very wealthy people in our society today everything in us is craving to be like them to grow to our status overnight which is so impossible, we no longer have the will power to read books, make research, learn from the great and mighty in that line of business we wish to venture into, their experiences,mistakes, downfall, bad moment and good times would become a stepping tool for us, build interest and live for what you wish to see excel build that Staying power to never give up or back down in your Progress.

As humans our minds is wired in such a way that whatever we want to do we can achieve it, it’s all about brooding on the energy from your inside once your mind is made up on it, there’s nothing stopping you, all the mountains and obstacle all means nothing, these is how people succeed in business and in anything they wish to do anybody you see scaling new height as spent years after years staying on it and that’s why they’re living the desires of their heart

