

I Just realised I have more debit card than my source of income

These right here represent the normal pattern of life, that's why the average person out there struggles so much just to earn very little, it's not anybody's fault it's how things are, cause you need to be able to meet up with so much expenses laying round waiting to be settled, that's why we're often under pressure to do so much with our jobs, believing hoping that by so doing it will multiply or give us according to our effort or input, but that is not how it works.

One time I was with my uncle and he told me something I have held on to myself, he said

Your salary is just a compensation to you by those who steal your time to achive their own goals and that is not to make you rich or wealthy but just to make you comfortable and at ease to be able to carry out the task they laid on you to perform"

For the past three years our economy has been nose-diving head long, nothing has ever remained the same, every little item available for sale in the market as either double or tipple in price and is heading up that way, the implication of that is that you need more money to purchase the normal or less than what you usually get for a lesser price, the sad part to all of these is that the salary earners are the ones in jeopardy because some private firms don't even keep to the minimum wage stipulated as the least anybody should be paid as salary, that's not to talk more of those civil servants working for government that won't be paid for as long as 6 months or sometimes up to a year without salary payment and currently now our economy is seriously bleading, and more and more expense our pilling up and it's neither a "NEED OR WANT" it's a 'NECESSITY"

It's somehow different when you're single or minding your own business some were but when you've got some mouth to feed then it's a matter of constant spending and to equal the outflow of cash you must find a way to equate that with equivalent cash inflow by engaging on some multiple front ends, the only means to stay afloat all of these is to earn on multiple sources, and the secret of wealth these days isn't found in the daily office work you do but in the clouds cause every thing is transcending

For instance been on hive is a big-time leverage, leverage that offers not one or two but multiple streams of income, This is A Goldmine, Are an investor, content creator, (Blogger or vlogger) gamer, developer, everything you do here has a diminishing return effect almost immediately, be part of projects like the #Holozing, delegate to various communities and projects, curate content, refer or publish hive in whatever space you can,

The #leoteam has now unveil a three tiers delegation protocol that guarantee you a return on investment 100%, so you can be part no matter your status on the chain, this are means of inflows even some of the web2 media like X and the rest are now Monitizing their content and rewards creators, share on Ads revenue all these are measures to outsmart the economy and stay calm with yourself.

[All images are mine except otherwise created using canva]

