My three most favourite people: Week 205

Rank in order your three favourite people that are not family members and explain why. Remember to use your own photos.

Hello everyone, good morning to you, I welcome you to my blog.

In life we meet people who we didn't plan to meet but they just come into our lives at the perfect time, then we are fond of them.

The first person is someone that I have known for a very long time, slightly older than my dad, he was like a father to me, someone I could confide in, tell all my troubles and he prays with me. The journey of life might be so hard at some point, trust me he made it so easy, because he doesn't judge and very accommodating, I won't be wrong if I say he is God sent, death took him away from me last year November 26 in the midnight, before that he called me on Saturday a day before and he said he just wanted to check on me, asked if I was fine and said goodbye, I didn't know that was the last time I would hear from him, up till now I still miss him and his memories are forever in my heart.

The second person is a guy I met during NYSC, I redeployed from Kebbi State then in 2018, so in December we went for Screening in Ekiti State, when we were done and given letters to go to our PPA(Preferred Place of Assignment), we talked and realized we graduated from the same University and we exchanged contacts, in January 2019, we were the first to get to the lodge to clean the rooms which we have selected before, that was how our friendship started, up till now we still communicate everyday


The third person that is my favorite is a fellow apprentice that has been there for me, even though I am older than she is, but a Senior in learning,she is always putting me through, when the boss is not around she is the one person i can turn to for explanation.

Thanks for stopping by

Thanks to @galenkp for the topic
