Mother's unconditional love LOH contest WK- 185

1️⃣ The month of May is dedicated especially to mothers. What words would you use to show the immense love you feel for the woman who gives you her unconditional love? You can write your handwriting, inspirational words, or a poem to pay tribute and express your feelings towards your mother.

Happy to participate in this week's ladiesofhive contest, question this week by @cautiva-30 as it is the month of celebrating mothers and their unconditional love for us. Carrying another being in her womb for 9 months is not an easy task. I credit my mother for her hard work over me and my older siblings.

We do not choose the womb we come out from but I am glad for the one God chose for me, without you my mum I wouldn't be able to sail through these struggles alone.

My earliest memories of my mum are those of a very strong and kind woman 💪who combined both work and family, being a civil servant who wakes very early everyday to go to work and sort out other responsibilities. She never for once complained, she did her duties diligently neither did she break down despite having us all four and was still active at work. She is my number one teacher at home, always patient and ready to help.


Her unconditional love and selflessness is incomparable. When she was on transfer, she never made it look like she was absent, her constant checking up on us, emotionally and financially was a great support

My sad days and happy days you were there with me, days when I am sick and days when I am weak it is you that is always with me.

I am sorry for when my attitude was a bother to you and I misbehaved because I was still young and lack understanding.

Thank you for always being there for me at every moment.

I love you mum and forever grateful.


Thanks for checking on my blog

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Hello @elizabeth2323 mothers are unique, just as you express it, their love is unconditional and selfless, nice pictures, very sweet, thank you for sharing, a hug

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Yes they are so unique and we should always celebrate them. Thanks for the nice comment.

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