Rising Star - x12 Card Pack Opening & Progress Update #11


Hello once again! we have another pack opening today, new cards got released on the 1st and I did open these cards then but I've been a little busy to get the post out and show case my pulls so without further delay

Pre-Ranking was sitting at 367, I'm moving down the leaderboards quite quickly now I've been consistently opening packs every 100k I earn- can notice my earnings improve significantly too which is ideal 😅

I held 169 Drunk Fans prior to this opening also- so mentally minus them off my totals hahah

Moved down 24 placements from that opening! had some nice pulls in there but sadly once again no epics nor legendaries! 😂 I'm really itching to pack an amazing card and I'll most likely keep these pack openings up until that happens

I am stubborn when my mind set itself to something and this feels like one of those things that is achievable just will take some luck and time, so no harm no foul! my stats will continue to improve with every pack opening so overall it works out for the best, even more so due to Starbits being cheap right now too!

I mostly look towards my mission earnings to indicate how good a pack opening was- we're up an additional 14 Starbits for this missions max pay outs which is a great ratio. I've had some pack openings only improving a few Starbits in my overall mission earnings so to see it jump up 14 (not due to any drunken fans) is great!

Last opening I was mid mission as I opened my packs so I obtained like 1000 drunken fans which spiked my earnings pre screenshot which I didn't notice, though I went up almost 40 Starbits in the max earning department 😓

We are also closing in on the 9000 mission mark also! these missions have truly flown by once you unlock the 3rd region and start grinding away at the smaller missions everyday.



Last monday I opened 12 packs too... I had some luck with one and only one epic card, hahaha



epic is a good pull! I've only ever opened two or three myself even with all these card packs !

