An Unavoidable Broken Promise

I don't think there is anyone on earth who has not broken a promise before because even promises we make to ourselves can be broken. I might be wrong though but even if I am, then it will only be few persons on earth that are yet to break a promise.
Seeing the topic brought back memories which I really don't want to remember since it still haunts me till today. Even though I might have broken more than one promise, those other broken promises can never be compared to this.

Trust me, I didn't break this promise because I wanted it broken. It was due to situation beyond my control and it all happened so fast that I couldn't do anything about it. I guess you might be wondering what this broken promise is all about right? Let's get to it.

From experience, one thing that hurts a girl the most is when you promise her that you will marry her and then ends up not marrying her. You will agree with me that broken promises like this shatters ladies a lot. Unfortunately, this is my story. I promised a girl I will marry her and I ended up not marrying her.

Reminiscing all that happened then hurts me so much because I loved her a lot and I really wanted to marry her but like they do say, you will never know a person completely. I was so much in love with this girl that I did all I could to make her happy. I promised her I would be faithful to her and I made her promise that she would also be faithful. I don't really know if her promise wasn't from heart since I made her make the promise because she was never faithful.

I am a jealous guy and a type of guy that wouldn't want to share my girl with anyone. I trusted her even when I keep hearing things about her from my friends. I told them she wouldn't do such a thing and even when I confronted her about it after so many complains, she denied it not until one fateful day when I caught her red handed.

This was the girl I promised I would get married to her no matter what. I sacrificed a lot just to make her happy and made sure she never lacked anything that will warrant her having affairs with other guys. I pushed away all my female friends just so I will be 100% concentrated on her but what then did I get in return?

She broke me and I had no other option than to break my promise of marrying her. I left that pact unfulfilled and just like that, my commitment to her crumbled under the weight of her cheating on me with not just anybody but my friend. This is why it is so painful remembering all that happened.

Of course she pleaded for forgiveness telling me she only loved me and can't marry anyone else if its not me... You don't expect me to believe that, do you? I wouldn't buy such deceiving words because what's the probability she won't repeat her actions again if I end up forgiving her? Had it been it was with someone else, that would have been a different story but with my friend?...

To be sincere, I wasn't happy I was not able to honor my word but I felt it was the right thing to do. I broke my promise for a good reason. Going ahead to marry her knowing who she really is might be disastrous sooner or later. She was disappointment and she felt so hurt but really who should be hurt and disappointed here?

I am not the kind of person that keeps malice or stop talking to someone because of issues we had and so, what happened affected out relationship as lovers but didn't affect our relationship as friends. It's over 4years now and we are still friends and even though I have seen great changes in her over time, I don't think it would be a good idea to promise her marriage yet again or what do you think?

Thanks for visiting my blog.


That is one promise that needed to be broken and one I wouldn't suggest you make again. You deserve better xx


I am glad you agree with me. I am sure not going to make such promise ever again.

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate 🫶
