Handling Uncertainties As a prerequisite in Life

Truth be told,uncertainties are there to be faced in the journey of life, in every aspects of life at large, from the wise saying that "To before War is to before Armed", making room for uncertainties which will unfailingly come is a smart and wise move as to when it comes, it wouldn't be a shock. Greetings family, trust we are cool, is another moment of Deep thoughts.

Bound to happen are uncertainties, as life is not to be predicted to an extent, trying and falling multiple times not withstanding efforts put through,being successful to an extent and at some point there comes a slump, experiencing success in exams and at some point failure comes, raising standards and legacies built and raised for years but at some point there comes a crack,building a strong and formidable relationship that have lasted for years and at some point,the unexpected happened, being a philanthropist, helping the needy, doing good and at some point, it turns the other way round,leaving life in the fullness, but at some point, life let go, many are uncertainties to be mentioned but a few, but does it end in there or is there more untold stories as to how the uncertainty made its bold step?.



(a) Foreknowledge To Uncertainties
Having a foreknowledge to uncertainties is already an advantage as to the wise saying that Knowledge is power. With the knowledge that uncertainties are bound to happen,if it occurs it won't be a shock.

(b) Wise choice and Decisions
Truth be told,one is a product of the decision taken. The aftermath of ones decision is a product of the decision taken. In no such wise can one take a good decision and be affected by the opposite. Decisions are also a reflection of the surroundings. Surroundings in the sense of anything at all. Making a wise decision procures,holds back, solves,minimizes uncertainties.

(c) Planning
Planning as small and minute it can sound plays a vital role in all aspects of life. There is a motivational speech of which the wise saying is captured which is He who fails to plan, plans to fail. Planning is indispensable for a good and enjoyed lifetime. Making a good plan dashes uncertainties out.

Thanks for reading through, #let peace reign#

0.62833912 BEE

You offer an effective way to deal with the uncertainties thrown at us all in life. Thank you for your deep and useful reflection on things that affect us all. Kudos❤️💕🤗


0E-8 BEE

Thank u for stopping by

0E-8 BEE

When we have the knowledge and understand that life is uncertain and we would always be dealt with in a different way we never thought of, even when it comes, we would be able to face it and get prepared for the action we would take to get out of it. Also, we also need to make the right decision and get ready to make the good plans.

0E-8 BEE

You said it all, thanks for stopping by

0E-8 BEE

I believe you really made a good point in tackling issues like this Which I believe it will be helpful with the ideas you've shared

0E-8 BEE