RE: Transparency Report / Actual HP Reduction / What & Why?

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[@PowerPaul:] Thank you bro. Yes, such a great & supportive community (and because it is kind of a personal relation very often) earned to be transparent.

I prefer to say that I am stupid to avoid the Dunning-Kruger-Effect and to be self aware of the subjective reality; but within this I try to act as best as I can - including to stay safe. Thank you bro - I try to be according to this wish.

Don't be sorry, but happy that you don't have this kind of stuff. And spoken from my perspective: yes, it is foo; but I try to be aware that other people live in a more foo situation. I am thankful for everything. Especially about this great community we call Hive and/or CCCEO which brings me a smile into the day - even if a situation is like it is actually. Happy, that you are a part of it! ... Thank you!



