The Comedy Open Mic Weekly Showcase


This is our weekly showcase where we highlight posts in this community shared here in the last seven days. These are the posts that have impressed us at COM the most.

Now, let's get into this week's showcase.


@ginika - The Dilemma of Double Dating

This is a captivating story about my friend Rita, who has mastered the art of juggling two or even more boyfriends. Little did she know that her deceitful web would eventually unravel, exposing the consequences of her actions even though I warned her severally about its repercussions but she was strong headed.

This author shared a funny story about a lady who double dates. The outcome of the story is worth your read.


@cheeamaka - DEALING WITH "PTPD"

But on personal notice, it seems they always face same issue. Different phones, same problem. And at this point, even as I think to get something new, I am unconsciously looking forward to repairing (if it develops a fault) it for similar issue. It just comes off like that is the only problem that any phone could have.
And for that singular reason, I have come to a conclusion that there should be a thing as Post Traumatic Phone Disorder (PTPD).

The clickbait in the post title turned to be one to think on, a perfect name for those who are in the dilemma of finding a mobile phone to use.


@emreal - The Birth Experience

I overheard my neighbor who seemed to be an expert saying, that the pregnancy was due for delivery and that the baby could come any moment. Gosh! This is my first time experiencing something like this. My mind was shrouded with thoughts, Will she make it? How is she even feeling on the inside? I tried to calm myself down but I lost control.

From just hunger to giving birth, this author's first birth witness experience is one to remember and hilarious for your read.


@princessbusayo - Princess is now an engineer

I don't know when I switched from a writer/teacher/singer/counsellor to an engineer as my Dad never stopped praising me because I helped him set most things on his phone. If I am an engineer just because I operated some little things on his phone, what should we call the likes of Engr. @olujay because the guy went to school, studied the course and graduated. He even did induction and convocation, so who am I?

From the start, you should expect more funny read on this post. The author shared how she is made out as an engineer by her dad, read more for details of how the story went.


@ahmedhayat - A day messed up.

I woke up today and rushed towards washroom as i was getting late for the office. Saw myself in the mirror, ugly as usual, put my shirt on and without any breakfast i left my house. A bus which was already full adjusted me in somewhere and my journey towards office started. I was standing as no seat was available in the bus. Every passenger in the bus was giving me a weird look but i ignored them all. They all were jealous of my classy looks.

This author shares about his day that turned out not just messy but also hilarious especially with the way he narrated it and with good details.


@stevewealth - Did you just shout at my wife?

I don't know if other children had similar experience growing up as me and my siblings, but I know growing up as an African child, especially in this part of Africa where I come from it's regarded as an offense for you to talk back at your parents when they are quarrelling you, talk more of talking back rudely at them or even daring to shout at them ahhh, hehehe.

A lesson learnt story told by this author, a glimpse into how strict his father was and how calm he has become.


These are this week's showcase posts. They are funny, well-written, and outright amazing. Make sure to check them out.

Thank you for reading

Remember to comment the links to your posts in our COMmunity below.


I feel honored being mentioned here. Thank you so much, Comedy open mic community. Congratulations to those picked too.


Thank you so much for featuring my post ❤️🥰
