Is DINK helps you to retire fast?

DINK or Double Income No Kid is a way a lot of people are following to retire early. That means their income will be double and this since they don't have any kid, their expenses are reduced in such a manner that they can save most of their income towards the retirement.


We have a collegue who is following this and he will retire in another 2 years. He is following this from the last 10 years, and he has chosen his life partner in such a way that she will also believe in no kid and retire early.

Double income actually helps you to sva empire. Because if you can save 30% of one income and the other income can be saved fully so your household saving will be over 50% and if you continue doing it for say 10 years, then you can actually retire fast. In my case I can only save 25% to 30% and thus it means that I cannot retire early with just the saving from my income. We don't have a double income and we have a kid so that means for me retiring early will require my investment to grow exponentially. Even if you don't follow no kid, even if you have kids with double income then also retiring early is possible.

I was watching a YouTube channel where a couple with double income and have a kid reached the financial freedom. The husband is retired and he is pursuing his hobby whereas the wife still works because her job is not so stressful. So that means they still have the regular income along with that one person is retired and the other person can retire at ant time.

I know retiring early is one of the hot topic now a days but think about it, who doesn't want to work which gives them happiness or satisfaction rather than stuck in a job. Who wants to spend 9 to 5, if you don't like what you are doing. But you have to do because of money, so if money is out of the question then working on yourself, or working for yourself is the way to go.

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