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Welcome to this week's new CineTV Community Newspaper. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend? Now let's sit back and relax a bit with our weekly newspaper!


Welcome to a new CineTV Community Newspaper! We don't have any community updates to write about. Hopefully this silence will be broken soon, but until then we hope you enjoy the writing prompts and the weekly contest.

The writing prompts have now been given a completely neutral layout on Twitter. All you get is a "Keyword".

It's up to you to swing a phenomenal blog online. Which movie(s), or movie memories do you think of when you hear the keywords. Every day you see a new prompt on Twitter. The last is:


If you'd like to find the other writing prompts to see if there's anything you're interested in, I'd like to refer you to our Twitter account .

Let's move on to our Contest!


Have you ever known those moments when you had anxiously looked forward to watching a certain film, and then this film disappointed you so much that you regretted watching it? Or a film that hurt your eyes, so to speak? You already get it! **This week we're looking for your favorite movie score or soundtrack

Isn't that nice once. There are so many awesome movie soundtracks that I know. But you know, it's not about me, even though I might give it a go this week. It's all about you, what is your favorite one? Let us swing or cry with an awesome entry to this contest. The submission deadline is 23rd August, 2022, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

As you know by now, We love to read your personal stories, not only blogs written for the contest. Why is that one movie or series so special to you? What impact has it had on you? Did a movie or series change your mind about certain things? Just to name a few examples.

Now that we said that, let's move on!

This week I wanted to introduce you to a new section in our CineTV Community Newspaper. We're always looking for ways to reward our community, but we're also looking for engagement. Involvement with each other, and with us. The CineTV Community Newspaper could use more involvement in my opinion, but I also understand very well that it needs to be made inviting to create that involvement. We certainly cannot and will not force this, but we can try to create it by making it attractive to you. And that's where this idea was born.

So what are we going to do? I'm going to give you an actor, actress or movie every week. And then I would like to hear from you in the comments what your first association is with that actor or actress. The nicest, most original, most moving or most personal comment can expect a reward of 100 CINE. And bonus points if you suddenly get inspiration to write a blog about our "Movie STAR Of The Week". Don't forget to use the tag #moviestaroftheweek.

Our first Movie STAR Of The Week is OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN

source IMBD

Olivia Newton-John, who doesn't know her? This Lady has built up an impressive repertoire in the many years that she has been active. Her most famous successes are undoubtedly the film musical GREASE, and the accompanying songs that many of us can sing along word for word.

That this lady has more to her name will become clear when you look at the long list of hits in the music and film world that can be attributed to her.

And of course, in addition to her acting and singing career, Olivia has also become known for her long-standing battle with breast cancer. She herself had to receive this diagnosis no less than 3 times. This led her to found the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness & Research Center in Melbourne. After more than 30 years of battling cancer, Olivia took her last breath on August 8, 2022, surrounded by her beloved family. A star has left us. She will be remembered in love forever.

Now it's up to you! Leave a comment with your own thoughts, opinions, memories of Olivia Newton-John, for a chance to win 100 CINE tokens. If you've been very inspired... write a blog for maybe a bonus.

And of course, feel free to browse over all blogs written under the #cinetv tag. There are so many awesome blogs, and if your blog is not highlighted that does not mean it is not awesome. We appreciate each and everone of you, who takes the effort to write up a unique, original blog with movie or tv-related content.


If you like parties, this movie seems like a great choice. Although it is highly doubtful whether you will ever want to organize a nice party with your friends after seeing Bodies bodies.


A Netflix-produced documentary about the life of John McAfee. Never-before-released interviews take you into his life during his wild years on the run. During this trip you will fall from one improbable to another. John continues to amaze you.


Samaritan is all about demystifying a Super Hero. 26 years ago, this super hero would have died in a direct battle with his greatest opponent. But is he really dead? Or is it possible that the superhero of yesteryear will rise again and save his city from destruction once again


One of my favorite parts of the weekly newspaper. The juicy gossip! I can't help it, I think it's one of the "guilty pleasures", which I will never admit after today. Because like everyone else, I always pretend that I'm not interested in that at all.

  • Ben and Jen can't get enough!. After their official and mostly silent wedding in Las Vegas, Ben and Jen are married again! But now in Georgia where they've gone a little bigger. A wedding with the necessary splendor AND with the presence of their family and friends.

  • Leah Messer who became known as 'Teen Mom' seems to have finally found happiness in love. Leah, 30, who has 3 children from previous relationships, is now engaged to Jaylan Mobley.

    It makes me curious how long it will take before another child will be born, and whether this relationship will be forever and forever.

  • Still, it's not all sunshine at Ben Affleck's estate during his wedding to Jennifer. There are some dark clouds in the family happiness. And maybe it's not as big a family affair as you'd expect.

    At least 1 family member of BEN has failed to attend. His brother Casey Affleck was spotted elsewhere. He replied when asked why he was not at his brother's estate, but no one understood the answer.

    However, insiders know that things can sometimes go wrong in the family life of famous brothers. The brothers seem to have not been so friendly with each other for years. And while Casey seems happy for Ben and Jen, he didn't want to hear all the finery from this latest wedding.

  • Now the great drama of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is over for a while. But that's not to say we can't look forward to another Hollywood divorce drama that has been dragging on for several years.

    "BRANGELINA" was once a famous couple in Hollywood. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Brad and Angelina have been officially divorced since 2019. But the lawsuits have since flared up again… and some details are now suddenly coming out.

    Details like that Angelina told Brad became a MONSTER on a 2016 flight on their private jet. Could we now get ready for the mud throwing between Brad and Angelina? And would you be team Brad or team Angelina?

Hopefully you enjoyed this weeks Newspaper!

Enjoy your week


We like to point out the following note about plagiarism once again!

We have an entire team dedicated to finding AND reporting plagiarism and abuse. And be warned, we NEVER will tolerate plagiarized blogs. Not in plagiarized words, nor images!

We have seen some really great posts that failed to source their pictures and so we were not able to curate them properly. Remember to only post YOUR OWN words and to properly source the photos that you use that are not your own.

Plagiarism is THEFT and has no place in our CineTV family!

Thanks...we love you all!


Posted using CineTV


Ah nice! Movie star of the week, cool! I was mainly sad to read she passed away recently, thankfully for her and her loved ones, she left in their presence. I think this woman was inspiring and must be a star up there now! Just like in her mortal life :)

Shared on Listnerds & Twitter!



I couldn't agree more, she was an icon! !PIMP


Yes! thanks for pimping my ride uh, comment :)


Great work! I'd like to watch that John McAfee and the Sly film!


Awesome job on the paper this week @hetty-rowan and I love the new feature. For me, like many many others, my first encounter with her was her role in Grease. Most people know that is far and away my favorite musical and the on-screen chemistry between her and John Travolta was as iconic as the film itself!


Grease is one of my favorite movies. I haven't seen Samarian yet but I am looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing.


Awesome post outlined on the cineTv community newspaper, this is a good job, that deserve an accolades 🥰

The energy put and the work showcase have a great impacts.
