Utopis nothing new really, just a reminder


Getting the flow of things with this slow down, I am placing "buy walls" for Utopis when possible, you can sell your Utopis into the buy wall.. I will continue to work gig as much as possible, to give out some sort of Divs.. who knows when it might pick up again .. but it will its a summer slow down.. anyways. Monday's divs for Hive and Utopis Delegation rewards have been sent out by the bot, takes a minute to register what's going on and than send the tookens.

In my discord I have said:


And this..


I will be picking up Utopis and yes I am looking to slow it down and put it to rest, If there are other options I'll look into it.. Moving forward divs Monday's on time from gig profits and placing buy walls.. only time will tell on the move of the market.

Let's see how this Hot Weather will manipulate the gig economy.

0.75206401 BEE

I am a bit confused. Is the project still going to continue as usual even if it doesn't pay out that much? The conflicted announcements are starting to confuse me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.00000158 BEE

I am still paying divs monday's, yes gig work is slow but its pickin kinda.. but I am more focused on buying up Utopis and if able try to close... soon rather than later.. I am again still paying what ever divs on Monday and delegation rewards still go on.

0E-8 BEE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 112 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

0E-8 BEE

Ahooi @chronocrypto.

Sorry man, what's going on exactly? You had a miner and were doing gigs or something?

I noticed from time to time that payouts were not happening and then they returned.

So what I am gathering is that your incomes are low and thus divs are low.

You are placing buy walls in so people can sell their tokens. When you have 95% of the tokens then you retire the project. Right?

Any more information you can give me?

What happens if you can't get 95% of the tokens?

What would happen if we just gave you time?

Yes I have some Utopis. 🖖

0E-8 BEE

Can I keep holding UTOPIS or is the project ending?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE


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@eirik(1/15) tipped @chronocrypto (x1)

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0E-8 BEE

Yeah things have been kinda rough for the dude lately too dealing with the bear. I would like to know what I have done to lose your Hive Engine witness vote though? Just curious as to what I could do better. That really set me down the list a bunch...

0E-8 BEE

got you bro

0.00715123 BEE

Thanks bud, I was just wondering what I did wrong, lol. Hope you are doing alright man!

0E-8 BEE